Luke and your brother are friends

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You wake up at 1:30 pm and you're still tired as fuck. You decide to get up anyway and you aimlessly stalk out to the kitchen and pour yourself a bowl of cereal. You start to walk out into the tv room when you notice that Luke is sitting there alone.

"Fuck." you swear under your breath. You quickly go back into the kitchen and set your bowl down. You run into the bathroom and brush your hair and put it up in a ponytail and put deodorant on. You walk to your room and change into your pajama shorts and a tank top (instead of the sweatpants and giant shirt you were wearing) and walk back out as if nothing had happened. You walk into the room and sit down on the couch next to Luke.

"So whatcha doing here?" you say, taking a bite of the cereal.

"Oh, your brother told me to come over, but he was just getting in the shower when I got here." he laughs.

"Typical. Do you want to turn the tv on?" you smirk.

"Sure." he smiles and grabs the remote. He fumbles around with it and you watch for a little until you can't take it anymore and you start giggling.

"Give it to me." you laugh and he obeys. You grab another remote that actually turns on the tv and do just that. You then turn on the speakers with the remote he was fumbling with and then set the controllers down. You give him the third remote to change the channel.

"Do you wanna play me at fifa?" he challenges you.

"Sure. Just fyi, I'm amazing at it."

"Oh fyi, I'm also very talented at it."

"We'll see." you laugh and grab the controllers. You change the tv to show the game and you begin. He starts by immediately letting you score two goals.

"Okay I was going easy on you, now it's game time." he smirks.

"Okay gamer boy." you laugh.

He scores one goal (on a lucky shot) and he stands up and starts doing a little victory dance. You decide to take this time to score a goal and he gets pissed off.

"That's cheap!"

"Well if you weren't doing your awkward white boy dance moves, you could've stopped it. Well, had a chance to stop it."

"Well now the game is on."

"I thought it already was on." you sarcastically respond.

He laughs and the game ends with you winning 4-1.

"Just think, you didn't lose as bad as Brazil did." you laugh.

"I'll beat you next time."

"Next time?"

"Yeah, we're playing again. I won't let you get away with this." he smirks.

"Well whatcha gonna do?" you smirk.

You can see him getting slightly uncomfortable and you laugh lightly.

"Hey can I tell you something?" he finally breaks the silence.

"Yeah." you say, turning to him.

"I actually kind of like you."

"You do?"

"Yeah, I mean it's awkward because of me being best friends with your brother, but I really do."

"Well, I might kind of like you too." you smile.


"Yeah, I mean I'm not lying." you laugh.

"Hey guys." you hear your brother walking into the room and you quickly shove your face full of cereal.

"Ready to go?" he turns to Luke.

"Uh, yeah."

"Hey, wait can I talk to you really quick?" you ask your brother.

"Can it wait?"

"Um, it'll be super quick I promise." you say awkwardly.

"I'll meet you at the car." he says to Luke, motioning for him to leave. Luke obeys and leave you and your brother there.

"So, um I was wondering if you would mind if I went on a date-"

"Why would I care?" he shrugs.

"A date... with Luke." you repeat.

"Why would you?"

"Because he asked me on one."

"He didn't."

"Dude, he did. You weren't fucking there, okay?"

"What if I say no?"

"Then I guess we'll just have to do it at his place." you smirk.

"Oh God no, just no. No. I'm leaving." he says, storming off.

He walks out to the driveway, and you watch from the kitchen window. Instead of getting in the car, it looks like Luke and him are getting into a little fight. Not with fists, but with words. You sigh and run a hand through your hair. You never meant for them to get into a fight about it. You were never really close to your brother so you figured he'd be okay about it. They both storm back into the house and you quickly run back to sit exactly where you were before. Your brother pushes Luke to sit next to you and crosses his arms over his chest. You both stare up at him waiting for him to talk. A smirk shows across his face and you look nervously at Luke.

"Holy shit you guys are gullible! Holy shit! You two have obviously liked each other since forever, holy crap. I just wanted to see if you would fight for each other. It was honestly adorable." he laughs like an evil stepsister. You look cautiously at Luke and you two begin laughing along.

"DID I SAY YOU COULD LAUGH?" you brother growls. You try to stop laughing but you can't. Luke is having problems too.

Your brother looks suspiciously at both of you, then begins laughing again.

"I can't do this, man. I love you both, just don't do anything in this household as long as I pay half the rent."

"Deal." Luke smiles, looking over at you.

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