Chapter 03

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Ariel stares at the card she holds in her hands debating what to do, whether she should call him or not. It been two years, two long years she has the card with her safely, wherever she goes the card goes with her.

Even if the number, in it, instilled in her memory permanently, she still carries it with her.

"Air" the voice of Devilin startles her

"Yes" she replies in a hurry making him frown

"What's wrong?" he asks her as worry laced in his voice

"Oh nothing, I wasn't expecting anyone" she smiles in assurance as she knows how easily he gets spooked thinking something happened to her

"If you say so, you are ready to go back?" he asks still unsure about her

"Yes, I guess this was to happen sooner or later right? I cannot always keep you away from your duties" she tries to joke about it but he takes it seriously

"You know no matter what, I will always be here for you. All you need to do is turn around and you will find me waiting for you...

If you do not want to go back to the pack, it is okay. This is your home as much as it is Jane or mine, so do not feel like you are a guest or over stayed here...

We all love having you around, you are one of us" he squeezes her shoulder lightly before pulling her in for a hug

"I know, Dev. If it was not for you, I would not be able to do anything. However, it is time I go back home, it has been too long...

I will come visit you from time to time, as will you" she sighs deeply before leaving a light kiss where his heart lies.

"That's my girl. Call me if you need anything, anytime" he palms her face lovingly as he leaves a peck on her forehead

"I love you" she smiles holding the hand he has rested on her cheek

"I love you more" he grins pinching both her cheeks teasingly


"Ariel, darling, if you feel like you don't like being around your father just call me I will gladly replace him for you" Dante grins as he wraps his arms around Ariel's shoulder walking along her side

"Jeez, mom, are you sure he is your mate? He seems to have, a very unhealthy obsession with Aunt Red...

If I did not know how faithful aunt Red is towards Uncle Ad I would be, worried that dad was having an affair with her...

He is always ready for her, for some unknown reason" Jane comments in disgust as she watches her father and Ariel from the stairs sitting a top one of the suitcases

"What the fuck does that mean? You mean you don't have any faith in your own father and doubting my love for your mother?" Dante asks his daughter incredulously

"You said with your own mouth never trust a man; he can do anything and say anything to get what he needs...

So, no dad, I have no faith in you" Jane scoffs his way

"Jean, did you see that how she talked with me? She thinks I am cheating on you," Dante shouts calling Jean who just rolls her eyes at the father-daughter duo

"I hear and see it happen all day long for the last few decades and if I am not wrong you were the one who taught her how to speak and behave...

So, enjoy" Jean comments before she goes to hug Ariel saying her goodbyes

"No respect in this house" Dante grumbles standing in the corner pouting like a kid.

"Oh come on dad, don't pout. Will you not say goodbye to me? I am leaving as well" Jane calls out as she jumps down from the suitcase and walks to her father's side

Sweet Affection [Affection Series 4] {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now