Chapter 20

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"Where are you going?" Dev yawns before opening his one eye as he feels Ariel move away from him.

"To wash up, the sun is already up. You can sleep if you want to" Ariel whispers before pulling his covers up.

"How can I sleep when you won't be in my arms?" he whines trying to pull her back but she gets away.

"Dev, don't be like that. I need to go help out around here, you decide whether to wake up or not" she smiles before walking away from him while he keeps shouting her name in vain.

Ariel smiles shaking her head as she gets out of the room, she walks to the kitchen and finds her mother already fussing for the day.

"Mom" she calls as she stands at the door.

"Ho Ariel, did you sleep well?" Scar asks with a smile as she turns the pancakes.

"Yes, did you?" she asks in return walking inside and helping her plate it all.

"Uh-huh, I need to go check on Jasmine can you serve the men for today?" she asks as she holds a tray ready for jasmine.

"Of course I can, you go and check on her," Ariel agrees letting her mother move away.

"Thank you" Scar smiles as she walks out of the kitchen.

Even after all these years, the men in the pack join the Alpha's house for heir breakfast, lunch and dinner. Like the first time Scar served these men, she continues to do the same even after all these years.

As the men make their way one by one into the kitchen Ariel serves them the breakfast while she gets some greetings from the pack members and some nods her way in acknowledgement.

"Air, what are you doing in here?" her father voice makes her turn to see him watching her in surprise.

"Mom took breakfast up to Jasmine so I am here in her place" Ariel smiles as she informs him while serving a plate to him.

"Really, well this definitely is a surprise" he smiles thanking her for the plate before taking a seat.

"Sweetie, if you don't feel like being here, you know you can leave" Adrian suggests but she shakes her head no.

"Why would she leave, she can't now that I am here. Air feed me," Dev orders as he joins the men in the house for breakfast.

All of the men in the room stop eating and stare at him stunned.

"What are you going to feed me anyway?" he asks looking at the plates of the men while Ariel pushes him away from her.

"What?" he asks as she keeps pushing him.

"I get it that you have spent the night in this house but don't you think it's too much for you to parade it as well?" Adrian asks gravely.

"Huh, what?" he asks looking around the table realizing everyone was watching him so he looks at himself from up to down and realizing his almost naked state.

"I came directly from the bed following her, why is there some rule in this house to not have breakfast in your boxers?

I mean I am sure every one of you have a pair of boxers with you" Dev shrugs his shoulder as he stares back at the men who shakes their head before going back to eating.

"Dev go put on some clothes, as you can see there are women in this house as well and you cannot walk around in such state" this time Warren speaks seeing Adrian was busy throwing daggers Dev's way.

"Why, I am sure when you all turn into a wolf you get naked, I am sure the women won't mind seeing my perfect body" dev grins arrogantly.

"Just go and change will you," Ariel whispers awkwardly.

Sweet Affection [Affection Series 4] {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now