Whos the boy?

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Astrids PoV:

I finally took my shoes off and I was on the way up the stairs when I heard my mother's voice.
"Look who finally decided to come home."my mother said in an angry tone.
"Hi mum....." I said quietly rolling my eyes.
"Come and sit down." My father said.
"Yes dad.."

I made my way down stairs and sat on the couch.
"So what did u wanna talk to me about I'm assuming that's why I'm sat here.." I sighed
"Well. To start off where have u been?" My father said annoyed.
"On a walk then to get some coffee."
"Where u with anyone?" My other added just as annoyed.
"No.." I lied I couldn't tell them the truth they would go ballistic!
"Liar!!" My mother shouted
"What no I'm not lying!"
"You didn't have that jacket on when u went out of the house I watched u leave after u stormed past me!!" My father yelled out.

Shit! I still had hiccups jacket on!! I was ment to take it off but I didn't!

"Well umm..." I stuttered out but was cut off by my mother.
"And who was that boy u kissed on the way it!"

Shit!! She seen that! Gods why do they always know my every move.

"Wait u kissed a boy?!" My father yelled
"Well I kissed him and it was only as thank u!"
"thank u for what? And who's is the jacket? Is it his?"my mother yelled
"Well he took me to get coffee to get me out of the rain and yes it's his jacket..." I responded
"Astrid u know the rules no boyfriends!!"my father yelled.
"He's not my boyfriend!!" I yelled
"What's his name???" My mother asked annoyed.
"He's called Hiccup."
"Hiccup what???" My father questioned me.
"Hiccup Haddock. You Rember him right we used to be best friends before we left in 2nd grade."
"No memory of him." My father said annoyed.
"I recognise the last name." My mother said " I know who has that last name the mayor? He's the mayors son??"
"Errm yeah" I responded.
"Ur dating the mayors son?!" My father said once again still annoyed with me.
"I'm don't dating him!!" I yelled.
"Well anyway ur grounded still until u are back to ur normal self." One of them added
"Ughhh so what are the rules of being grounded." I groaned and rolled my eyes.
"No phone and no going out unless it's school."
My father said.
"Aww what please can I have my phone!"
"No Astrid!"
"I will do u a deal if u complete all of your chores for the next 2 days until can have ur phone back." My mother said.
" ok deal."
"Now go to ur room it's getting late."my father added strictly.

I went up to my room and started getting ready for bed because I'm tired. I got in the shower done my hair, teeth and took of my make up. I got into my bed and turned out the lights.

I wonder what will happen tomorrow with hiccup....

Hiccups PoV:

Finally I am home! It's been a long day school, detention, racing with dagur and eret and finding Astrid.

"Hiccup!" My dad yelled
"Yeah dad?"
"Where have u been I haven't seen u since 3:15 when u went out and it's 9 now!" He scolded
"Sorry dad.."
"So?! Where have u been?"
"Well on the way back from hanging out with dagur and Eret Heather messaged me and told me that her friend was missing and she was worried and because I know her she wanted to know if I could help find her and I did." I explained.
"And she u say 'one of heathers friends' do u mean another one of ur girl friends." He said annoyed
"What?! No?! Dad the girl is Astrid u Rember her right she left when I was in 2nd grade. She's a hofferson." I explained.
"Oh! She's back? Well I Rember Astrid she was always such a nice girl very polite and sweet. I trust u  wouldn't lie to me about something like that son so u aren't grounded. This time."
"Alright well I'm gonna go upstairs and start getting ready to go to bed."
"Alright son goodnight."
"Night dad."

I went to my room and got ready to go to bed.

I wonder what it will be like with Astrid tomorrow.

Dagurs in for a surprise when he finds out that I'm gonna win the bet...

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