Let me help u

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Astrids PoV:

The bell rang and Everybody else left since they had diffrent lessons and I was picking my bag up getting ready to go to English.

All of sudden I see a figure walking towards me. It was hiccup. Why is he coming over here?what does he want? Is it about the project?

"Hey" he said to me as he stood next to me looking down toward me. He was around half a ft taller than me.

"Errr hey?"
"Astrid right?"
"Yeah why?"
"We have the project together right?"
"Umm yeah I didn't think you knew"I said laughing
"Well I guess u don't know alot about me then"he smirked. To which I rolled my eyes. "So what lesson do u have Astrid?"

"Errm English."
"Who with?"
"Mr mildew I think room 3"
"Same let me walk you"
"Err ok"

We started walking towards English. It was quite for a bit not awkward tho. I wonder why he wants to walk with me? He didn't acknowledge my existence in history. So why now?

"So what are we gonna do for the project?"
"Well what are u actually gonna try and do because I doubt u will do anything"
"Well believe it or not I actually do my work."
"I find that hard to believe the whole history lesson u were late and sat with your head on the table looking at the floor."
"Well it's true I am a genius really."
"Hard to believe"I said with a smug look on my face." Anyway how about we do about vikings or The Tudor period"
"I like the sound of the vikings idea. Let's do that"
He smiled down at me. His smile was gorgeous. He was gorgeous.

Hold on! What am I thinking! I can't like him! He's probably a play boy dumping a girl after 2 days!

"So it's settled. Where are we gonna work on the project tho?"i asked him because we hadn't settled that but yet.
"Well where would u be more comfortable?"
"Probably my house. So I guess we will do it at my house then."
"Ok that's fine with me. By the way I will need ur snap or ur number for the project if that's ok with you?"
"Umm yeah my snap is AstridHoff89"

Did he always think about other people or was he just messing with me? Heathers words started playing in my head.

'Hiccups not bad'

'He is really nice when u get to know him'

' he had a rough past'

'He's like another brother to me'

He actually didn't seem that bad I wonder if he actually was a nice person....

We were walking up the stairs and I didn't even realise I was to busy thinking about hiccup. And all of a sudden I tripped on the last step

"Ahhh" I screamed out. But before I hit the floor a pair of hands caught my waist helping me stand.

"Woah Astrid u ok?" I saw him look down at me his eyes were glowing. They were gorgeous.

" yeah I think thanks hiccup.." i said smiling up at him. The hall were dead quite and for a moment I got lost in his eyes.....

Hiccups PoV:

She was beautiful. Probably the most beautiful girl I have ever met. Her sandy blond hair falling over her shoulders. Her gorgeous ocean blue eyes starting into mine.

Wait what! I can't be thinking this! I can't fall for her! She is just a bet.

After a few moments of looking into each others eyes in silence she spoke up. "So err we should get umm going."

Just a bet (Httyd)Where stories live. Discover now