Catch me if u can

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Astrids PoV:

I walked into history and surprise surprise hiccup wasn't there yet. He was on time today was he gonna be late? Probably.

I went and walked to my seat and took off the jacket hiccup gave me. I should give it back to him. I can't keep it.

Just then hiccup walked into the classroom.
"Well,well, well. Nice to see u mr haddock late again cant say I'm surprised." Mr Treacherous sighed.
"Ahh, u know me to well sir." Hiccup laughed.
"Well u aren't actually as late as normal only by 3 minutes I think that's your earliest so I won't give up a detention today." Mr Treacherous said handing him a sheet and his book, giving him a pay on the shoulder, "Go sit down now."

Mr Treacherous started talking about something or other when Hiccup walked up and sat next to me in his assigned seat. "Hey m'lady." He whispered close to my ear.
"Hey and what's with the nickname?"i giggled.
"Just thought I would give u one." He winked and I laughed at him. " if u don't like it I can give u a diffrent one."
"No it's fine. I like it."I whispered in his ear.
"So when are u getting ur phone back?"he asked.
"Tomorrow night if I do all my chores."
"Alright. Thought anymore about going to the party."
"I don't think so hiccup. I wouldn't be aloud anyway."
"Well my other still stands."
"I'll think about I-" I was cut of by a voice.

"Got something interesting u would like to share hiccup and Astrid." Mr Treacherous asked annoyed.
"Nope it's none of your-" hiccup was saying before I cut him off.
"No sir sorry." I said elbowing hiccup in his side earring a groan.
"I appreciate your apology Astrid. Maybe u could teach hiccup to be apologetic. It would stop him getting into more trouble"  Mr Treacherous said.
" if only it where possible sir." I laughed along with others in the class and some where in shock that I insulted the school 'bad boy' but meh could be bothered by it. Hiccup obviously rolled his eyes at the comment.

"Anyway as I was saying for today's lesson u can just start planing your project with your partner. If u need anything like information sheets or pictures then just ask me and I will print them out or u can go to the library. So let's get started then." Mr Treacherous announced as everyone started moving around to sit next to each other. Heather decided to sit in front of us and forced Fishlegs to move as well so she could turn around and talk to us at times if she wanted.

"You know u get ur self In more trouble than you need to." I joked with hiccup.
"And you are extremely violent u know. What's that 3?4? Times u have punched me in 2 days!" He chuckled.
"Yeah yeah. Oh btw here's your jacket back." I said handing it to him.
"No u keep it." He pushed the jacket away.
"What no I can't."
"Yes u can and besides" he said coming close to my ear "it looks good on u Remember." He whispered. Was he flirting with me?

I felt a small blush creep up on my cheeks and a small smile alone with it. "Thank you.." I said softly "anyway into the project why did u wanna do Vikings  out of all the options we could have done?" I asked.
"Well my mother was always interested in Vikings and so was my dad. That's kinda where my name comes from. It was Viking tradition to call the runt of the litter hiccup." He sighed.
"Well you're not so much the runt of the litter now are u." I said next to is ear flirting with him for revenge. I saw I light blush spear on his cheeks.
"Astrid serrilda Hofferson. Are u flirting with me?" He asked smugly.
"Maybe" I smirked. "Wait how do u know my middle name?!"
"It's on the front of ur book." He pointed.
"Ohhh I forgot about that."

We started researching Vikings and planning out what we are gonna do. We decided on doing a massive poster with a few small modeles of Viking things.

"Hey did u know ur name is actually a Viking name?" He asked me.
"No I didn't actually, what does it mean?"
"Well ur middle name means armed warrior woman. And your first name means divinely beautiful and beloved by gods."
"So I got a good name then."
"Yep it's also a perfect description of u." He winked at me.
"Quit flirting with me Haddock." I said twisting his arm back.
"Ow ow ok I'm sorry." He said patting his hand out on the desk.

I laughed at his gestures until Heather turned around.

"Quit flirting u to." She said putting her hand on our desk.
"What we are not flirting." I groaned rolling my eyes at her.
" really so: divinely beautiful perfect description of u
Well you're not so much the runt of the
litter now are u.
it looks good on u.
I have just been hearing at all?" She said giggling.

Me and hiccup just sat in silence in response to her quoting us. We glanced at each other and then back to Heather embarrassed.
"That's what I thought." She said Turing Around laughing with Fishlegs.

After the lesson me and hiccup decided that we would do some more of the project at mine right after school if he didn't have a detention right away.


It was just before the end of last lesson and because I have all the same lessons as him I would be able to ask if he had a detention. "Hey hiccup." I said walking up to his desk where he was stood waiting for the bell to ring to get out of school.
"Hey Astrid what's up?" He asked me ,making eye contact.
"Nothing just wondering if u had a detention so I know whether or not to wait."I said putting my hand on the table leaning in it.
"You're gonna be so proud of me." He said proudly and sarcastically with a smug look.
"Why is that." I looked it at him smirking.
"I haven't got a detention for the first time in a very long time." He said crossing his arms.
"Well done!" I said nudging his shoulder.
"I know thank you, thank you."

We were laughing, almost crying of laughter. I don't know why but apparently that conversation that we just had was somewhat hilarious. The bell rang dismissing the class and ending the school day, also interrupting our laughing.

"So u ready?" He asked
"Yeah why we going to my house right?"
"Yeah just making sure ur ready to go on my motorbike since i know u don't like them."
"Oh right forgot about that..." I laughed nervously.
"It'll be fine." He said grabbing my bag.
"Hey give that back." I said laughing.
"Gotta catch me first." He said running off laughing.

Damn he was fast. He thought he was hilarious, which he was. I quickly ran after him.

"Hiccup." I yelled "come on give me my bag."
"Gotta catch me then." He yelled laughing like there was no tomorrow.

He wanted me to catch him? Fine I'll catch him. I ran as fast as I could and quickly caught up to him. It was obvious that he wasn't going as fast as he could. Probably thought I was slow. Well I have news for him I'm not. I ran up to him and ran into his back making him stumble and me start falling.

He tunes around and grabbed into me not letting me fall.

" that was a close one ." He laughed " u ok?"
" yeah thanks I'm fine." I giggled " now give me my bag back."
He handed me my bag and let go of me.
"Here." He handed me a helmet. I didn't realise but we were at his bike.
"Oh were hear I didn't realise." I was still nervous about the bike I had only been on it twice but I have always been scared of them.
"It'll be fine. It was fine the last two times Rember."
"I guess you're right."
"And if ur not comfortable with looking then just shut ur eyes and hide ur face like u did before."
"Thanks hiccup." I said and he just gave me a smile and put on his helmet.

"Now come on don't want your parents thinking you got a detention again do we." He laughed giving me his hand.
"No we don't." I giggled grabbing his hand and pulling my self up.

I wrapped my arms around his waist as he drove off and hid my face in his shoulder again.

For some reason I found it....


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