It looks great on u

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Hiccups PoV:

It was the next day and I just arrived at school. Most days me eret and dagur drove to school together. And we did today and where actually on time -for once- since we are never here on time.

"Wow we are actually 10 minutes early"eret said.
"I know we have never been this early before."I said.
"So hiccup how's the bet going?" Dagur smirked. Did he actually think he was going to win the bet.
"Actually it's going well I might actually win."
"Ur bluffing. Ur very funny" dagur laughed.
"Actually dagur I'm not we kissed last night." I smirked at him.
"What?!" He yelled.
"Hiccup didn't u only meet yesterday?!"eret said shocked.
"Kinda." I added
"What do u mean?"
"Well dagur Astrid was actually one of my best mates in 2nd grade before she left. And she's back."
"Wow hiccup I defo think ur gonna win the bet now."Eret said.
"Well I don't, hiccup ur 100% gonna loose."
"No need to get agressive dagur. But we both know I'm gonna win." I said as he rolled his eyes.

We were stood outside leaning against our motorbikes when I saw Heather walking towards us.

"Hey Heather what's up?" I asked
"Well I want to know what happened last night when u took her home since she had her phone took off her." She said.
"I'll let her answer that one." I said winking at Heather jokingly.
"Hiccup please tell me." She pleaded .
"No can do Heather."
"Fine but I'm staying here until Astrid comes bc the twins are literally attacking each other, Snotlout keeps hitting on me, Fishlegs has his nose stuck in a book and Mala isn't coming in today."

Astrids PoV:
I was on the way to school and my dad decided to drive me today. Probably so he could remind me about no detentions and trouble like he has been doing all morning.

I was actually excited about school today as I get to see Heather and the gang again. And also hiccup..
I think it's the first time in my life that I actually wanted to go to school.

We finally pulled in the schools car park and I saw hiccup and his 2 main friends leaned against there bikes talking to Heather?!

O wait I forgot one of hiccups friends was Heathers brother and she was kinda like a sister to hiccup so it made sense since I could see the twins being mental, Fishlegs reading not giving a care in the world. And I'm guessing that Snotlout was probably hitting on Heather based of the story's I have heard about him.

"God I hate kids who are like that who just sit around on their bikes outside of school." My dad said annoyed and rolled his eyes.
"Why they aren't doing any harm?" I said trying to defend hiccup his friends and Heather.
"Because they are obviously trouble makers!"
"They might not be dad." I said Pretending not to know them.
"They obviously are! And I want know trouble of u today u hear me?!" He scolded
"Yes dad and it was one detention it's not gonna mean anything."
" it does and I don't want u hanging out with those kids!" He yelled pointing to hiccup n that. Gods why does he think he has the right to control my every move especially try to control my friends.
"I can hang out with who  I want to hang out with." I yelled back getting out of the car and slamming the door behind me. I can tell my dad was annoyed at me by the way he drove off.

Well dad it's time to face reality I'm growing up and there's nothing he can do about it.

Hiccups PoV:

"Hey hiccup." Astrid said walking up to us and pushing her hair behind her ears. She was wearing a dark red t-shirt with a pair of jeans. Her hair was in a half up half down with a braid in the back. She looked just as gorgeous as yesterday. She was also wearing my leather jacket that I gave her yesterday?! Didn't except that! Suited her tho made her eyes stand out

"Hey Astrid. U ok?" I asked
"Yeah just came to talk to Heather. I don't wanna go near Snotlout he freaks me out twins are going crazy and Fishlegs doesn't look like he's actually there if u know what I mean." She joked
"u can take Heather she's getting annoying." Dagur laughed which earned him a kick in the shins from Heather.
"Anyway we should get back to the rest of them before the twins do something realy stupid." Heather said laughing.
"Alright see u later. And Astrid" I said walking up to her.
"Yeah?" She Questioned looking up at me.
"My jacket looks great on u." I said as I winked at her and watched as a small blush appeared on her face.
"Ok well erm thank u and I will err see u in um history bye!" She stuttered put and ran off holding heathers arm.

"Well well well. Isn't everything going exactly to plan hiccup." Eret said high-fiving me.

I smirked at erets comment and replied

"Yes eret yes it is."

Astrids PoV:

Damn! I get flustered so easily this isn't fair .

I was walking with Heather when she finally spoke up. "Well care to tell me what just happened?" Heather smirked at me.
"I don't know what ur in about." I said trying to act clueless.
"You know u getting all flustered at hiccup after he said about how his jacket looked on u."
"It was nothing" I shrugged.
"And why did u have his jacket in the first place?" She said wiggling her eyebrows.
"He gave me it last night to protect me from the rain." I said looking at the floor.
"Well well well would u look at that miss Astrid hofferson has Mr bad boys jacket. U know some of the girls in this school would do anything to have that!" She laughed, "and u just reminded me what did happen last night?"
"Nothing he just gave me his jacket because i was cold, took me to get coffee, dropped me at home and..." I explained
"And....?" She asked on edge
"We kissed."
"You what?! How?! Tell meeee"
"Oh wait would u look at that the bell rang. Oh well guess it's a story for another day.bye!" I yelled and ran off.

Talk about being saved by the bell! I wasn't prepared to tell Heather the story about the kiss. I wonder what I have first I know what lessons I have just not on what order. I checked my time table and it says I have.... 


With hiccup! 😁🤭

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