Chapter one: shattered walls

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I sat on the couch with my head buried in my hands, the weight of reality crashing down on me with every breath I took. All I could think about was how this argument felt like a hollow echo of the past—a murky cycle I thought I'd weathered—yet here we were again.

"Why, Casey? Why do you always have to cheat on me?" My voice cracked, and the air in our cramped apartment felt thick and suffocating. This wasn't just a conversation; it was a rehearsal I've known all too well, and I was tired of the role I'd been forced into.

"Shut up! Nobody's even cheating on you! You always come up with this bullshit after you hang out with that single-ass bitch, Asia." His retort pierced through me, twisting my stomach. Asia was my childhood best friend, my rock—the one person I could always count on. But Casey had a sick way of dragging her into our problems, as if the mere sound of her name justified his betrayals.

"Casey, this has nothing to do with Asia! This is about you and your dumbass always cheating on me! I'm really getting tired of this fucking relationship!" My voice trembled with rage, barely matching the storm of pain swirling within. With each word, I could feel my resolve hardening.

But that's when everything spiraled. He snarled and yanked my ponytail, dragging me forward. I yelped in shock, scrambling for balance. My hands shot up instinctively, but before I could defend myself, his palm connected with my cheek, a brutal slap that sent stars dancing in front of my vision. In that instant, the world blurred—a vortex of pain and disbelief enveloping me.

Tears burned my eyes as I fought back, my nails clawing at his face, a mixture of fear and determination surging through my veins. "How could the man I loved become this monster?" I thought, as I struck back with all the strength I could muster.

But that strength was fleeting, soon turning into confusion and despair as I staggered backward, colliding with the wall. I slid down to the floor, gasping for breath as the reality settled within me. I was not just fighting for my physical safety; I was battling for my soul.

That night, as silence draped over the apartment like a suffocating shroud, I made a decision. I could no longer remain shackled to the lies and violence. I could no longer settle for a love that came with pain—love should never hurt.

The next morning, with the sunlight streaming through the window, I packed my things. I gathered my clothes, my books, and my memories—every reminder of a life I was leaving behind. My heart raced with the prospect of finding freedom, yet it ached for the familiar chaos I was so used to.

With my bags slung over my shoulder, I drove to Asia's apartment in my black Honda Civic, her laughter echoing in my mind like a gentle balm. She was vibrant and full of life, a constant light in my dim world. Today, I needed that light more than ever.

When I stood in front of her door, a mix of fear and hope coiled tightly in my stomach. What would she say? Would she be welcoming, or would she harbor doubts about my choices? With a deep breath, I knocked.

The door swung open, and there stood Asia, dressed in her usual oversized graphic tee and colorful leggings, her hair in a massive, perfect bun. Her eyes widened in surprise as she took in my tear-streaked face and worn luggage. "Ericka? What's wrong?"

I broke down in her arms, the walls I had built around my heart crumbling in an instant. The embrace was warm, filled with compassion, and soothing in its familiarity. "I left him," I managed to say between sobs. "I can't do it anymore, Asia."

With fierce resolve, Asia pulled back and looked me straight in the eyes. "You did the right thing. You're safe now. Come inside. You can stay here as long as you need."

Our reunion was simple but powerful. It felt like reclaiming a part of myself I had lost along the way. We spent that afternoon talking, reminiscing, and planning for the future, her presence showering me with the reassurance I craved.

Days turned into weeks, and slowly but surely, I began to rebuild my life. I threw myself into school, holding tight to my ambition of becoming a lawyer. Amidst the swirling chaos, I realized that my faith had anchored me through the storm. There was something divine in recognizing my worth beyond the pain. I attended church more regularly, finding strength in the community and spirituality that once felt distant.I chose to surround myself with supportive friends, my chosen family.

Even in the depths of turmoil, I refused to make the same mistakes. I was not just looking for a partner; I was searching for respect, for shared dreams, for someone who would support my ambitions rather than suffocate them.

At night, as I walked home from classes, I often reflected on my journey. I remembered Casey's mistreatment, the physical scars and emotional upheaval, but I also remembered the triumph of standing up for myself. I was reclaiming not just my space but my identity, my worth—one step, one day at a time.

In the midst of my academic pursuits and blossoming independence, I held firm to my dreams of social justice. I wanted to advocate for individuals like my younger self, the voiceless whose cries had been drowned out by brutality and violence.

Ericka Simmons was no longer a victim; she was a survivor. I yearned to be a beacon of hope—a guiding light in the lives of others. The road ahead was uncertain, but as I embraced each day, I was reminded that I held the power to shape my destiny. In the city that once bore witness to my suffering, I would rise. I would shine.

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