Chapter ten:fight clubs part 2

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As Ace pulled me back—his grip not just for my safety but to shield me from the impending chaos—I realized I'd crossed a threshold. The truth hung in the air, heavy and undeniable. No more lies, no more masks—just raw, real honesty ready to reclaim what was mine amidst the ashes of deceit.

Kia turned her gaze to Ace, her brow furrowed in confusion. "Ace, we done after everything?"

"We done and been done; ain't shit gone change that," he replied sternly, his tone final.

"I don't believe you, Ace!" Kia exclaimed, trying to grab his arm as if to anchor him to her words.

"Bet believe this," he shot back just as King and Ace began walking Asia and me out of the club. Their protective presence felt like a fortress against the chaos behind us, even as the weight of the night bore down on me.

nce outside, Ace and King walked us to Asia's car. Ace turned to us, his demeanor softening slightly as he apologized for the drama earlier. "Sorry about everything that went down."

"Thanks, but don't worry about it," I replied, offering a genuine smile that seemed to ease the tension.

Meanwhile, I noticed King had pulled Asia aside, engaged in a hushed conversation with her. My attention turned back to Ace when he approached me again.

"You think I could get your number, Erika? I know everything with your breakup is still fresh, but I just want to get to know you," Ace asked, his tone surprisingly earnest.

I hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "Yes, I'll give you my number." He pulled out his phone, and I typed in my digits, feeling a little flutter of excitement.

"Good night," King said to Asia as she returned to the car, a hint of a smile still playing on her lips.

I turned to Ace, feeling a mix of nerves and anticipation. "Good night," I said, leaning in to press a light kiss on his cheek before getting into the car with Asia.

"Hey," I said softly, my voice steady despite everything. "Tonight wasn't just a fight; it was a cleansing. The truth is a weirdly exhilarating force."

Asia nodded, her hazel eyes gleaming under the flickering street lights. "And we'll keep riding that wave. No more Carla's nonsense. Just us, the truth, and whatever comes next."

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