Chapter seven: stirring the pot

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Carla pov

I wasn't filling any classes today, as I sat with Kia in a back corner of the dimly lit café on campus; the soft hum of social chatter swirling around us like a comforting blanket. School was merely a side quest for me, a necessary evil trailing behind my true aspirations—a crown atop my head at the social summit of New York City.

"Did I tell you about me and King?" I tossed the latest piece of drama into our conversation like a glittering diamond thrown into a murky pond. "We had this massive fight this morning. And then guess who interrupts? Erika! I swear she's like a permanent stain in my life."

Kia rolled her eyes, unconsciously flicking her long hair as she sipped her matcha latte. "That's so typical. What'd she even want?"

"Oh, you know," I leaned in, lowering my voice conspiratorially, "she was trying to flirt with your man, Ace. Can you believe that? It was almost disgusting."

Except the conversation I had eavesdropped on earlier between Ace and Erika was friendly and innocent—more a casual banter than the flirtation I was desperately trying to paint it to be. But in this world, appearance was everything, and I needed to keep Kia on my side.

Just then, her phone buzzed like a warning siren. She glanced at the screen, her face paling. "I need to call Ace," she muttered, her expression tightening with determination.

Watching her dial was like witnessing a slow-motion car crash. The second she hung up, the fury exploded. "That idiot broke up with me," she spat, her eyes blazing. "For all those guys he said I cheated with! Like, can you believe it?" My heart raced with a mix of satisfaction and dread; my words had backfired dangerously.

Ace was a big fish in this city, a kingpin delivering both wealth and influence. This was no ordinary breakup; it was a shift in power between women in our cruel social game.

"Whatever," I said, trying to inject some semblance of optimism into the drama. "Let's focus on the party tomorrow night. You need a killer outfit to strut back into the scene."

"I'm gonna find a way to put Erika in her place. She can't just waltz in and try to take what's mine," Kia replied, fueled by rage. I nodded fervently, supporting her cause. After all, we needed all the allies we could gather against Asia, the ever-watchful hawk of Erika's flock.

I couldn't help but recall my own little secret: the night I'd slept with Erika's ex, Casey, at a frat party weeks ago. Just us two knew about our robust betrayal. It was deliciously scandalous and solidified my role as the ultimate queen bee.

As I toyed with my silver bracelet, I smirked. Tomorrow, it would all unfold in the bright lights of the club. Our drama would take center stage, and I'd be there to ensure I shone the brightest.

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