Chapter Nine: Broken Promises

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The day after Emma's unsettling phone call with James dawned gray and somber, matching the mood that had settled over her since their brief conversation. She had barely slept, her mind spinning with questions and fears about what he could possibly want from her. After all this time, why was he suddenly reaching out?

As she stood in front of her bathroom mirror, brushing her hair absentmindedly, she caught sight of her reflection. Dark circles had settled under her eyes, a testament to the sleepless night she'd endured. Her face looked pale, her usual spark dimmed by the weight of her past returning to haunt her. She hadn't told Alex about the call yet, unsure of how he would react, and part of her felt guilty for keeping it from him. He had been nothing but supportive and kind, but something about James's sudden reappearance felt like a secret she needed to handle alone—for now.

Emma glanced at her phone, checking the time. She had agreed to meet James at a café later in the afternoon. The thought of seeing him again sent a cold shiver down her spine. What could he possibly want? Was he seeking redemption, or was this some sort of cruel game to draw her back into the web of lies she had fought so hard to escape?

As the hours ticked by, Emma couldn't shake the feeling of dread that hung over her. She busied herself with mundane tasks—cleaning her apartment, reorganizing her bookshelves, anything to distract herself from the looming encounter. But nothing could stop the constant churn of thoughts in her mind, the memories of their time together that kept resurfacing uninvited.

By the time she arrived at the café, her heart was pounding in her chest. She spotted James immediately, sitting at a corner table with a cup of coffee in front of him. He looked different than she remembered—thinner, more worn, as if the time apart had taken a toll on him too. His once perfectly styled hair was slightly disheveled, and there was a tension in his posture that hadn't been there before.

Emma took a deep breath and walked over to the table, her legs feeling heavy with each step. When James looked up and met her eyes, something flickered across his face—regret, maybe, or guilt. She couldn't quite tell.

"Emma," he said, standing as she approached. His voice was softer than she remembered, almost tentative.

"James," she replied, keeping her tone neutral. She didn't want to let any emotions slip through the cracks just yet. Not until she knew why he had summoned her here.

They sat down, an awkward silence settling between them like an uninvited guest. Emma fiddled with the strap of her bag, unsure of where to begin.

"You look good," James said after a moment, his eyes scanning her face with a look that made her stomach twist. It wasn't a compliment she wanted, not from him.

"I didn't come here for small talk," Emma replied, her voice sharper than she intended. "What do you want, James?"

James sighed, running a hand through his hair. He looked like he was struggling to find the right words, his gaze darting from the table to her face and back again. Finally, he spoke.

"I know I messed up," he began, his voice thick with emotion. "I know I hurt you in ways I can't take back. But there are things you don't know... things I never told you."

Emma's pulse quickened. She had spent months trying to make sense of their breakup, of the betrayal that had shattered her world. Now, sitting across from him, the man who had caused her so much pain, she wasn't sure she wanted to hear his explanations. But at the same time, she knew she needed closure.

"What things?" she asked, her voice steady despite the storm brewing inside her.

James hesitated, his fingers drumming nervously on the edge of his cup. "There was a lot going on back then. Things with my family, with work... I felt trapped, like I was drowning, and I didn't know how to handle it. So I made some really bad choices."

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