Chapter Twenty: The Abyss of Desires

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The sensation of falling felt endless, an overwhelming load of emotions and confusion that drowned Emma in a suffocating pool. She fought to breathe, her chest tightening as the abyss closed in around her. Time became meaningless in the dark, but then, without warning, she crashed into something solid.

For a moment, she lay still, disoriented and trembling. The surface beneath her was cold, smooth, and hard—like marble. She struggled to sit up, her muscles aching from the impact, her heart racing in her chest. There was no sound except her ragged breathing, no light except the faint glimmer of something in the distance.

The overwhelming sense of abandonment crept into her heart. She had left Alex behind. She had made the choice, and now she was alone. Her mind replayed the moment she had let go of his hand, the pain in his eyes, the whisper of his voice calling her name. She had walked away from him, from the only thing that had kept her attached to reality, and now, in this place, she felt the full weight of that decision.

The darkness pressed down on her like a physical force, her breath shallow as her mind spun with regret and self-doubt. But she couldn't afford to be weak. Not now. Not when so much was at stake. There had to be a reason for all of this—something bigger than the love she had left behind. The woman had told her she would understand, but all Emma felt now was confusion, fear, and the ache of an impossible choice.

As she pushed herself to stand, the faint glimmer ahead grew brighter, flickering like a distant flame. Her feet carried her forward, her pulse pounding with each hesitant step. The sound of her footsteps echoed against the unseen walls, filling the space with an eerie, hollow noise. Every instinct in her screamed to turn back, to return to the warmth and safety of Alex's embrace, but that option was gone. She had chosen this path.

The glow ahead intensified until she found herself standing before a large mirror. The reflection staring back at her was not her own. It was a distorted version of herself—eyes glowing with a fierce light, lips twisted into a dark smile. She looked stronger, more powerful, but the malice in her eyes made Emma's heart pound with dread.

The mirror self smirked. "Look at you, weak. Do you think you can survive this world without embracing your true power? Pathetic."

Emma's hands trembled as she gazed into the twisted reflection. Her inner conflict swirled around her, thick and suffocating. She had felt powerful when she let go of Alex, believing for a moment that she could stand on her own. But now, doubt clawed at her insides, threatening to tear her apart.

The reflection laughed, a cold, mocking sound that sent shivers down Emma's spine. "You think love will save you? That you can walk away from everything you've been and choose a simpler life? You're meant for more, Emma. The darkness is in you—it's always been in you."

A surge of anger welled up in her chest. She clenched her fists, her voice trembling but resolute. "I don't need to become like you. I don't need to lose myself in power."

The reflection's smile only widened, eyes gleaming with dark amusement. "Don't lie to yourself. You feel it, don't you? The pull, the temptation to give in. All that power, all that freedom, waiting for you just on the other side. You can taste it."

Emma's breath hitched, her emotions in turmoil. She hated the truth in those words—the pull she felt toward the darkness. But she wasn't ready to give in. Not yet. Not when she still held onto the last fragments of hope and love.

Before she could respond, the room shifted again. The darkness behind her began to close in, and the mirror flickered, its glow dimming as shadows crept toward her from every direction. Her heart raced, panic rising as the walls seemed to close in around her.

Suddenly, out of the shadows, a voice called her name. A voice so familiar it sent a jolt through her chest.


She spun around, her heart racing as Alex stepped into view. He was covered in shadows, his expression distant, but his presence was unmistakable. Her chest tightened at the sight of him, a rush of conflicting emotions sweeping over her—relief, guilt, and something deeper she couldn't put into words.

"Alex?" Her voice broke with disbelief and longing.

He took a step closer, his face shadowed but his eyes intense. "Why did you leave me?"

Her breath caught in her throat. She didn't know how to explain, how to make him understand the turmoil inside her. "I had to... I had no choice."

His jaw clenched, pain flickering in his eyes. "There's always a choice, Emma. You could have stayed with me."

She took a step toward him, her heart aching with regret. "I thought... I thought it was the only way to protect you, to protect us."

The shadows around Alex seemed to deepen, darkening his features. He stared at her for a long, agonizing moment before shaking his head. "You don't need to protect me, Emma. I'm here because I love you. We can face this together."

His words cut through her defences like a knife. The love she had tried so hard to deny, the feelings she had buried so deep, rose to the surface. She could feel the pull of his presence, the warmth of his love calling her back to him. But the darkness still lingered, whispering promises of power, of strength beyond anything she had ever known.

Tears welled in her eyes as she fought the urge to run to him. "I don't want to hurt you. I don't want to drag you into this darkness."

Alex stepped closer, his voice soft but filled with emotion. "I'm already in it, Emma. But I'd rather face the darkness with you than live in the light without you."

His words shattered the last of her resolve. She closed the distance between them, her fingers brushing against his. The connection between them was electric, a surge of warmth and love that banished the cold emptiness inside her.

But just as their hands touched, the ground beneath them trembled violently. The shadows swirled around them like a vortex, pulling them apart. Emma gasped, her hand slipping from his grasp as the darkness tore them apart. She screamed his name, her heart shattering as he was swallowed by the abyss.


The last thing she saw was his face, filled with love and fear before he disappeared into the void.

And then, everything went silent.

Emma fell to her knees, her breath coming in ragged gasps, tears streaming down her face. She was alone again, consumed by the darkness. The overwhelming sense of loss crushed her chest, leaving her gasping for air. She had lost him. Again.

The woman's voice echoed through the void, cold and unforgiving. "You will always lose those you love, Emma. That is the price of power."

Her heart shattered, torn between the love she had lost and the darkness she could not escape. She had made her choice, and now, she was trapped in the abyss, alone.

And yet, even in the darkness, even as the cold consumed her, she felt the faintest flicker of hope.

Maybe, just maybe, Alex wasn't gone forever.

But as the shadows closed in around her, she knew one thing for certain—she was running out of time.

The abyss was closing in.

And the next choice she made would change everything.

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