Chapter Twenty-Eight: Shattered Loyalties

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The night air was filled with tension, and Emma could feel every heartbeat in her ears as if it were the clock ticking counting down to some unavoidable disaster. Her protector, the man she once trusted with her life, lay sprawled on the cold ground, blood trickling from his side, his breath shallow and laboured. It was as if time itself had slowed, every moment stretching into eternity as she watched the life drain from his eyes.

She knelt beside him, her hands over his wound, desperate to help but terrified of doing more harm. The sight of his blood turned her stomach, and yet she couldn't look away. She couldn't abandon him, not now—not after everything they'd been through. The revelation that he had once been part of the very group hunting her was like a dagger in her heart, but none mattered at this moment.

All that mattered was keeping him alive.

His voice, weak and hoarse, broke through her thoughts. "Emma..." he opened his eyes struggling to stay open.

"Don't talk," she whispered, tears spilling down her cheeks. "Save your strength. I'm going to get you out of here."

But even as she said the words, she knew it was a lie. They were surrounded, the figures all over the darkness, their presence suffocating her with fear. There was no escape, no way out.

"You... can't trust me," he said, each word a struggle. "I didn't... I didn't want to lie, but I had no choice."

Emma moved her jaw, trying to fight back the tears that threatened to break free. "Why didn't you tell me?" Her voice was barely a whisper. "You could have told me the truth, and I would have understood. I could have helped you."

His hand twitched as if he wanted to reach for her but lacked the strength. "I was trying... to protect you. From them. From myself."

The truth of his words hit her like a physical blow. He had been fighting his inner demons all this time, torn between the person he was and the person he wanted to be. And she had been caught in the middle, oblivious to the war raging inside him.

"You've done enough protecting," Emma said softly, her voice cracking. "It's my turn now."

Her mind raced, frantically searching for a way to get them out of this nightmare. But the odds were stacked against them. The leader of the cloaked figures was watching, his cold gaze never leaving her as he waited for her to break.

"Do you think you can save him, little one?" the leader's voice echoed through the clearing, a dark smile curling beneath his hood. "He's already lost. Just like you."

Emma stood, her entire body trembling with a mixture of fear and fury. "You don't know anything about me," she spat, her eyes blazing with defiance. "I won't let you win."

The leader chuckled, a low, chilling sound that sent shivers down her spine. "Ah, but you already have. Haven't you realized it yet? This isn't about your protector. It never was. It's about you, Emma."

His words twisted around her, suffocating her with their weight. What did he mean? What could they possibly want from her that was worth all of this death and destruction?

"You were always the prize," the leader continued, his voice a smooth, poisonous whisper. "Your power... your blood. It's the key to everything."

Emma's breath caught in her throat, confusion and disbelief clouding her mind. "My blood? What are you talking about?"

Her protector stirred on the ground beside her, his face pale with pain. "Don't listen to him," he groaned, forcing himself to sit up despite the agony wracking his body. "He's lying. He just wants to manipulate you."

But the leader's next words cut through the darkness like a blade.

"She doesn't know, does she? Poor little Emma, running from the truth her whole life." He stepped closer, his cloak billowing like smoke in the wind. "You think your protector is the only one keeping secrets? Your whole life has been a lie, girl. Your parents, your friends... even your memories."

Emma's pulse quickened, her heart slamming against her chest. What was he talking about? Memories? Lies? Her head spun the world around her seeming to tilt dangerously as if everything she thought she knew was crumbling beneath her feet.

"Shut up!" Her protector's voice was sharp, filled with a fury she hadn't heard before. "She doesn't need to know."

But Emma was already unravelling, the seeds of doubt that had been planted in her mind now taking root, spreading like wildfire. Her legs felt weak, her vision blurred, and her breathing became shallow as her thoughts spiralled out of control. The leader's words echoed inside her, repeating over and over until she could no longer distinguish them from her own.

"I think she deserves to know," the leader said with mock sympathy. "After all, it's only a matter of time before the truth comes out. Why not let her hear it from me?"

"No!" her protector shouted, his voice filled with desperation, but it was too late.

"Your power isn't just a gift," the leader said, his voice dark and foreboding. "It's a curse. And you were never meant to survive it."

Emma's blood ran cold. A curse? Her power? She had never thought of herself as powerful—certainly not enough to be hunted by such darkness. She didn't even know what they were talking about.

But deep inside, a part of her always knew. She had always felt different like something about her didn't quite fit. Like there was a part of herself she didn't fully understand. But she had pushed those feelings down, buried them beneath the surface.

"Don't listen to him, Emma," her protector pleaded, his voice hoarse with pain and urgency. "He's twisting the truth. He's trying to confuse you."

But Emma couldn't shake the growing feeling of dread that tightened around her heart. Every word the leader spoke felt like it was uncovering something buried deep inside her. Something dangerous.

"You were born with it," the leader continued, his eyes gleaming with triumph. "But it wasn't supposed to be you. The power was meant for another. But somehow, fate intervened, and now you are its vessel."

Emma's mind raced. Another? She wasn't supposed to have this power? What did that even mean?

Her protector's grip tightened on her arm, his voice strained. "Emma, please. Don't believe him. You are stronger than this."

But Emma wasn't so sure. Her entire life felt like it had been flipped upside down, and now she didn't know who she could trust—least of all herself.

"Your destiny was sealed the moment you were born," the leader said softly, his words dripping with malice. "And no one—not even your protector—can stop what's coming."

Emma's hands shook as she tried to hold on to some semblance of control. The weight of the truth—if it was the truth—pressed down on her, suffocating her with the enormity of what lay ahead.

"I... I don't know what to believe," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "I don't know who to trust anymore."

Her protector's eyes filled with sorrow. "Trust yourself, Emma. You're stronger than you think."

But before Emma could respond, the leader stepped even closer, his smile dark and sinister.

"It's too late for that," he said with a sneer. "The power is already inside you, and soon... it will consume you."

Emma's eyes widened in terror as the leader raised his hand, dark energy swirling around him like a vortex. Her protector staggered to his feet, his body trembling from the effort, but he stood between her and the leader, his eyes filled with determination.

"Not while I'm still breathing," he growled, his voice low and menacing.

But as the energy crackled in the air, Emma knew—deep down—this was only the beginning of the nightmare.

And it wasn't one she could run from anymore.

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