Another Team Down!

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The day for the next death had indeed come and it was time to see who was the next person to die.

Mikayla woke up all of the contestants so she could gather them at the stage.

"Welcome savages, again I have brought you here to the Stage of Suspense!" Mikayla spoke and waited for some kind of reaction from someone, but nothing happened. "I'm trying to think of a name for the stage, how does Stage of Suspense sound?"

The contestants really didn't care about the name, they just shrugged their shoulders.

"Fine, you all just want to see who is going to die next, huh?" The contestants cheered for this as they were hoping it wouldn't be them. "Yeah yeah you savages pipe down!" The noise from the contestants soon stopped as everyone still feared Mikayla.

Robert handed Mikayla the envelope and she opened it up. "Alright, Olivia, Alexis, and Cameron please come up onto the stage." The people of those names came up onto the stage. "The person dying is...Olivia!" Olivia was shocked by this outcome.

"God dammit! All of my friends keep dying!" Bonnie said aloud.

"Well then save me if you don't want me to die!" Olivia pleaded.

"I'm sorry I can't do that. I'm here to win this competition and there can only be one winner. I was just hoping you could stick around till the end with me, but oh well." Bonnie said brushing Olivia away.

Olivia was again shocked that her new friend was just going to let her die. I guess they won't be friends anymore.

Mikayla brought Olivia over to Chloe the unicorn and threw her into the pen, in which Chloe was kept. Olivia tried to escape, but Mikayla held out a taser.

Olivia was scared, she didn't want to die, but she was going to die either way. Maybe she could come back to life for the final ten. I mean, the people kept her around this long so they must like her.

Olivia was pushed into the body of Chloe and fell from the impact. The unicorn whinnied and turned around to see Olivia on the ground.

Chloe took one of her hooves and stomped it right on the chest of Olivia. Olivia puffed out all the air from her lungs as she was being crushed.

Chloe took another hoof and stomped it on Olivia's chest as well. Olivia now began to cough up blood from the strong legs of the unicorn.

Taylor then put on Funky Town, the song, and the unicorn started to dance to it. Chloe was stomping up and down to the beat of the music onto Olivia. Blood started squirting out of Olivia as all her bones were being crushed as well.

After a whole verse of Funky Town, Chloe the unicorn finished off stomping on Olivia by stomping right onto Olivia's forehead. The impact crushed Olivia's skull and killed whatever life Olivia had left after the little dance.

Chloe the unicorn wiped her hooves off on Olivia's skin and she walked to the corner of the pen so Sarah could clean up Olivia's body.

Robert had taken Fawkes, Olivia's phoenix, away to an unnamed location to do something that we don't know about.

"Alright, that was pretty amazing. So, I want to tell you all about the next challenge, or at least give you a hint." Mikayla said having everyone turn around to see her. "We will be going on another island and you will be fighting for your life, literally. Don't worry, Robert will revive you after you die because I have special deaths for each and every one of you."

The contestants took all the information in and realized that most of them might die twice now. Some of the contestants tried to guess what Mikayla was planning, but she wouldn't say.

"So with nothing more to say, I will see you all..."

"Wait!" Ariana yelled.

Everyone turned towards Ariana to see what she wanted to say.

"I can't live with the fact that Bonnie won the battle, I want a rematch!" Ariana protested.

"Oh, you want to do this don't you?" Bonnie spoke out.

Bonnie was referring to the talk that the two had after the battle.

"Yes I want to do this, I want to prove that I am better than you and that I will not just let you push me around!" Ariana roared.

"Alright, what can we do for the winner and the loser?" Mikayla asked.

"The loser's team isn't allowed to compete in the next challenge." Bonnie spoke.

"Oh and the winner will have a safe spot in the Final 10." Mikayla said.

"But isn't there only two deaths left until we are all safe?" Ariana asked.

"Who cares, you're safe! Wouldn't you want to be guaranteed a safe spot or would you just like for the winner to get nothing?" Mikayla asked.

"Nope, I'm cool with it being a safe spot." Ariana responded.

"Great, now go relax before your next challenge. You are all going to need your strength for it." Mikayla said to the contestants and walked away to her treehouse.

Bonnie walked up to Ariana and was about to push her, but Ariana punched Bonnie first. The punch made Bonnie stumble backwards and fall down. The punch also caused Bonnie to have a bloody nose.

"I'm going to beat you!" Ariana yelled. "You don't have anyone else by your side, I at least have my friends to back me up." Nicole, Julia, and Danny walked to the side of Ariana and nodded.

The Friends Forever team walked away from Bonnie, the other contestants did the same as well. Bonnie was left there to tend to her bloody nose.

Bonnie was sad and started to cry a little, she couldn't help it. Bonnie was all alone in this competition.

Bonnie got up, dusted herself off, and wiped her tears. Bonnie had the intent of now doing whatever it takes to make sure the whole Friends Forever team loses this competition. This wasn't just between her and Ariana and Danny, Ariana was the one who made it a clear team against team rivalry.

Hey guys, sorry this chapter was short. I don't really know what else to put in these death chapters besides the death of someone and some drama.

Anyways, hope you liked this chapter and I will try and get the challenge up later this week. Thank you all for reading and make sure if you liked the chapter to please hit that vote button and share this story with other people. Thanks!

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