Well This is Going to be Interesting...

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"Good morning savages!" Mikayla yelled from her treehouse using a megaphone. "Guess what time it is? It's time to see who's going to die next!"

As the contestants walked over, it was the five who lost that moaned and groaned, they didn't want to die.

"Let's bring up those five contestants to see which one's could die." LeighAnn, André, Mason, Bonnie, and Gloria got up on stage and awaited their verdict. Robert handed Mikayla an envelope and she opened it with ease. "The person going to die is...LeighAnn!"

The four other contestants on the stage let out a huge breathe of relief, until LeighAnn went up to Mikayla.

"I'm sorry Mikayla, but I have a Safe Card, therefore I don't have to die this time." LeighAnn happily said. This mad the same four people moan and groan again as they have to await verdict again.

"Alright, well Robert is just going to go spin the wheel again. You may step off the stage." Mikayla said.

During the time that Robert was spinning the wheel, the broken up Friends Forever team started whispering to each other. It was Bonnie who could faintly here some words.

"I wish it could be...Bonnie...just so she'd..."

This got Bonnie angry and she jumped off the stage and turned Ariana around.

"Hey! You got something to say about me, say it to my face!" Bonnie roared.

Ariana was speechless, she didn't expect Bonnie to come up to her like this with anger.

"I guess you're just going to shut your mouth because you're all talk! Each of the battles we had, you said you would beat me and that you were better, but guess who won those battles. Like I said, you're all talk." Bonnie scoffed.

"Well if I had one more chance to prove myself then I'm sure I could beat you!" Ariana yelled.

"One more chance?! You want one more chance? Well let me tell you you've had your chances and now we just have to wait out time as I will eventually make your whole team be eliminated!" Things were getting fierce, Bonnie and Ariana were head against head pushing one another.

"Stop!" Mikayla called out. "You two are literally children, you two couldn't forgive and forget so now you are going to pay!"

Both Bonnie and Ariana turn towards Mikayla as she was about to punish them.

"You two will have one last battle. This battle will be a UFC fight, in an octagon with the UFC rules. The person who loses this fight...dies!" Everyone gasped at Mikayla's verdict.

"But what if Bonnie dies here?" Bella asked.

"Well she still has a Safe Card so either way this last battle is happening!" Mikayla announced it and she made it final.

Bonnie was brought back up onto the stage as she mentally prepared for this battle.

Robert came back with an envelope and handed it to Mikayla. "Thank you, Robert. Now the person dying next is...Gloria!"

"Wait me? Why? I haven't done anything wrong." Gloria protested.

"Exactly, that's why you are dying is because you didn't cause enough commotion or we all just hate you. It's most likely the first one." Mikayla informed her and she is right about this. If you want to survive, just cause problems. I mean look at Ariana and Bonnie...well before the battle was announced.

"And you kind of completely sucked at the last challenge without getting anything right." Bella said

"Yeah well nobody asked you, Bella!" Gloria said before she was grabbed by Sarah and Taylor and brought inside a square fenced in field were a ninja was waiting for her.

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