Shut Up, Drive, and Destroy Everyone Else!

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Mikayla woke up today deciding that today should be the challenge day. Mikayla woke up and asked Robert if everything was setup for today's challenge. Robert nodded and Mikayla got ready to go address everyone.

Sarah and Taylor went and woke up the contestants and shortly after they were at the stage awaiting Mikayla.

Once Mikayla got on stage, she looked at the six contestants left in this competition. "Wow, it's crazy to think that there were 32 total contestants in this challenge. Now, we are getting close to the winner of this whole thing." The contestants became excited that this torture would almost be over. "But we aren't there yet. We still have a couple of challenges to do, including today's. Today's challenge is a demolition derby challenge. You have to hit everyone else's car so much and so hard, that it won't move anymore. You will be put into a small pit in which you can't get out of with the car. Alright the rules have been stated and its now time for the challenge, so let's get going."

Everyone went to the small area where six cars were. Windows gone and they didn't look new, but they were functional. Each car was specially designed for each contestant having their name written on their cars in a special font different for each contestant.

The contestants put on their gear and entered their cars to get ready for the demolition derby to start.

"Alright savages start your engines!" Mikayla yelled from a little commentator booth overlooking the field. "On your mark! Get set! Go!"

The contestants drove off and they all started ramming and dodging one another. It was Ariana who got the first hit on Bella. Bella was really knocked around in the car and felt stunned a little bit.

Since Bella stopped, everyone else saw the opportunity to ram their cars into Bella as well. Bella was getting hit from all sides.

After everyone hit Bella, they all backed up to see if she could move her car. But when Bella tried, the car wouldn't budge and now Bella is out of this challenge. Bella and her car flew out of the little arena by Robert's magic. This was so everyone could have more room to crash into one another.

No one here was the best at driving, but they all don't really know how to handle a car in the mud and dirt. So, everyone did kind of slip and slide, but it was Nicole who was a little out of control.

Nicole was driving fast to hit LeighAnn, but LeighAnn moved out of the way. So, Nicole tried to turn the way LeighAnn was going, but she slid. Nicole slid past everyone and hit the wall of the little arena. At that point Nicole was recovering herself from the hit and it was LeighAnn who came ramming into her side pushing her further into the side. Now it was Nicole's car that wasn't working and she has lost this challenge.

Now both Julia and LeighAnn were in the middle while Ariana was driving around in a circle trying to escape André who was right behind her.

Ariana was freaking out pretty badly in this situation. One she doesn't like driving and two she was being chased by someone, this wasn't going to end well.

Ariana looked back in her rear view mirror and noticed André catching up on her. Ariana freaked out and let go of the wheel. She slammed into the side wall and André unable to turn his car away slammed into the back of her car.

After André refocused he drove away knowing that Ariana's car wasn't going to start. This was true, Ariana tried to start up her car, but unfortunately failed in doing so. Ariana had lost this challenge and now we only had three people left in this challenge.

At this point, the three cars drove into the middle and they all stared at one another. André then looked over at LeighAnn and they both grew an evil smile.

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