More About the Contestants.

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Hey guys, I thought of this chapter after I was rereading the beginning of the story. I noticed I didn't do a whole great job at describing people, so I'm going to explain more about the Final 10 contestants in their actual lives instead of just knowing them from this story. So without furthermore to say, let's begin.


Bonnie is a 19 year-old girl from England. Most recently she dyed her hair to a brownish red instead of the blonde she's had before. She has a lovable spirit with a funny attitude. Bonnie will stand up for her friends and her family if ever needed. I met Bonnie when my brother and I went to London and went on this little tour ride thing. We quickly became friends while just waiting in the line and our friendship has continued on since.


Nicole is a 16 year-old girl who just turned 16 yesterday on September 22nd and lives in the United States. Nicole is a very caring and loving girl that will try and make friends with everyone. However, if you're an ass to her then you're no longer a friend to her. Nicole will stand up for anyone if someone is being rude. Nicole can and will get serious at times that she believes something is wrong with people saying stuff she doesn't like. Nicole is really shocked she's still in the competition when I told her. Nicole thanks the people who didn't vote for her and hopes she's able to win this competition.


LeighAnn is an 18 year-old girl who lives in the United States as well. LeighAnn is a short girl, but doesn't let her size affect her. She's fierce when she needs to be, but overall is a caring and loving girl. She's a good cuddle partner (We've cuddled before). LeighAnn will find any way she can to cheer you up or make you smile and that's what makes her a wonderful friend.


André is a 19 year-old boy who lives in the United States. He is the brother to Mason and the cousin to Gloria. André is a loyal and caring guy who tried to be friendly and helpful to everyone. André did the Drama club his last two years of high school and found out he loved it. He's always loved singing and this just sparked his passion even more for singing. One of his favorite plays on Broadway is Wicked. He truly is a great singer and he's an even better brother always willing to talk about feelings and make his siblings feel fine and safe.


Gloria is a 18 year-old girl who lives in Canada. Gloria had black hair, but now has dyed redish brownish hair and wears glasses. Gloria has some...special qualities. Gloria is an out of the box person who's a major geek. She has her own style and sometimes will say what's ever on her mind. Gloria is unique and she will take every advantage of her uniqueness with her as she goes to college.


Julia is a 15 year-old girl from the United States. She's a tough "country" girl who would rather prefer her boots and jeans than a dress and heels. Also she'd rather have that nice pickup truck just for her. Right now Julia is going to a vocational high school to make the best of her teenage life. And through all of this Julia has a soft heart for the people she's grown up with.


Ariana is a 15 year-old girl who lives in the United States (most of these people are from the United States). She's a geek in her own special way. Ariana is a big Pokémon fan and an even bigger zombie survival/apocalypse fan. She loves the undead and if the zombie apocalypse ever happened her weapon of choice is a crowbar. Also, Ariana is a great artist, she's done The Purge Has Become Real cover and she's done a few of my thumbnail art for my YouTube channel. Ariana is a loyal friend and has a big heart to the people she loves.


Max is a 15 year-old transgender boy who lives in the United States. Max loves to create fanfic art of Five Nights At Freddy's and other stuff that pops into his mind. Max currently is still a female, but is saving up for the treatment and still trying to find out what name fits him (hence the change in the name recently). Max will stand up for himself if there is something he doesn't like or feels the need to explain. Overall Max is a wonderful friend and is loyal to his true friends.


Bella is a 15 year-old girl from the United States. Bella's current hair color is green. Bella is a girl that can be all nice and innocent to up in your face. Piss Bella off and she'll begin to piss you off. Bella will be herself and not care what people think, and if you do say something, she'll have some choice words for you. Overall, Bella has her own style that she doesn't care what anyone else thinks.


Mason is a 16 year-old boy who lives in the United States. Over the past three years he has most recently been becoming himself and stopped trying to fit in. Mason has gotten that "I don't give a shit" attitude where he just doesn't care what people will think or say about the stuff he does or likes. He's just tired of hiding himself and just wants to let it all out. Mason is going through a little bit of an existential crisis as he gets older because he doesn't want to go. He's also annoyed at the school system because he has an idea of what he wants and what he likes and doesn't want to take these other classes. However, Mason's taking life one step at a time hoping that he'll get to do everything he wants to do before he goes.

Well, that's all for the explanation of the Final 10 contestants I'm trying to get the next chapter done soon because I realized I slacked a lot. I hope you guys enjoyed learning more about the contestants and get eager to see who wins later on. Oh and I hope you like the picture at the beginning of the chapter, I thought it might help you see what the Final 10 actually looks like. Please share this story with your friends it would be appreciated and thanks for reading!

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