The Final 4!

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Another contestant will die today and in doing so it will bring us closer to the end of this competition. The choices of who to pick to die become harder and harder as there become less and less people.

All the contestants have kept this in mind since the competition started. The contestants have also kept one more thing in mind since the competition started, winning. The only objective to this competition is winning and that's all anyone can do.

Mikayla called down the contestants to the stage so they could all find out the next death.

"Well, let's bring up the people who were voted to die. Those people are Ariana, LeighAnn, and André." The three contestants went up as Julia sighed with relief. "The person that is dying today is...LeighAnn!"

Unfortunately LeighAnn's time here on the island has ended and it was upsetting. André and LeighAnn hugged one another as LeighAnn started to cry.

Even though the two were facing against one another, they didn't let this competition come between them. They both stayed friends until one of their deaths.

"Now, before you die though, the Final 4 have to decide something that will help them." Mikayla said turning to the Final 4 on the ground. "You will all get to choose someone who had died to come and aid you for the rest of the competition. I mean they won't aid in challenges, but they will aid in spiritual help. So, Nicole since you won the last challenge you get to pick your partner first."

Nicole stood there thinking about who she could pick, but it was all for show. Nicole knew who she wanted to pick but she just wanted to mess with everyone.

"I pick...Mason!" Nicole yelled with joy.

"No!!!" Mikayla yelled. She could never get rid of him for good.

Robert began to summon Mason and a light showed up on the stage and Mason appeared from it.

"Wait...what am I doing back here?" Mason questioned.

"Welcome back savage! It's the Final 4 and Nicole chose you as her partner, so go stand next to her." Mikayla said sounding disappointed. Mason got off the stage and went over to hug the leftover contestants and then especially Nicole.

"Ok, Julia since you were the only contestant who didn't have immunity and didn't get a vote on them, you get to choose next." Mikayla stated.

"Well, I was going to choose Mason..."

"Are you kidding me! Another person that wanted to choose Mason!" Mikayla said interrupting Julia and throwing her hands up in the air.

"But the person I pick is...Noah!" Julia yelled with joy.

"Well I'm fine with that." Mikayla allowed Robert to continue and summon Noah.

Just like Mason, Noah came from a giant light on the stage. When he appeared, everyone saw that his eyes were closed and he was sleeping. Mikayla then slapped Noah upside the head and he woke up.

"Hey, you're back with the people in the competition, but you aren't actually in the competition! Now go to Julia, you're partner. She was allowed to choose one person." Mikayla pushed Noah to get off the stage and he eventually did. "André, you almost won the challenge, so you get to pick next."

"Well it's a tough decision, but I need someone knowledgeable and that's why I am choosing...Ondria!" André exclaimed and LeighAnn was shocked. LeighAnn thought she was going to be picked after all they had been through.

"Are you serious? Why not me?" LeighAnn questioned.

"Well it's just I have a lot of faith in Ondria to help me win this competition." André said shyly. However, that didn't change the fact that LeighAnn was still upset.

Meanwhile, Robert had made Ondria comeback to life and Ondria had gone over down near André.

"Alright Ariana, you are the final person to pick their partner. If you pick LeighAnn, she won't die yet. But if you don't pick LeighAnn, she'll die as planned. You may now pick your partner." Mikayla said and Ariana started contemplating.

Ariana had already two people on her mind, and LeighAnn wasn't one of them. So, today LeighAnn will die and she'll die just the way she was planned too.

"Well like André said, it's a tough decision, but you need to pick the best decision at the end of the day. The person that I pick as my partner is...Bonnie!" Ariana screamed her choice. I don't really think this was a shocker to anybody, Max really wasn't going to help her and Bonnie was tough and could help Ariana.

Robert nodded and summoned Bonnie who was confused at why she was back alive. But when Ariana explained what was going on, Bonnie was ecstatic and went over to give Ariana a hug.

"Okie doke, now that everyone's partner has been picked, let's get to the killing. LeighAnn, today you will die and that means the Fierce Flamingos are coming to an end. Which also means that overall, the Peculiar Penguins have one the competition!" All the contestants that were left clapped and congratulated themselves on a whole team victory. "So LeighAnn, I want you to go lay down on that big wooden plank underneath a tall diving board."

LeighAnn nodded and walked over to accept her fate of death. She laid down on the plank face up and awaited the inevitable.

"Alright send him down." Mikayla said speaking into a walkie talkie on her shirt. And for a small moment, everything was quiet.

However, everything changed when a giant sumo wrestler came falling from the sky. It came down in the same way LeighAnn was positioned and when he fell to the ground, he landed right on LeighAnn.

Almost immediately LeighAnn's body started to explode with blood and guts flying everywhere. It flew and squirted on to the other contestants and Mikayla.

The sumo wrestler got up from flattening LeighAnn and then proceeded to roll her up like a carpet. He picked her up and walked away, he seemed not even phased nor injured from what just happened.

"Ok well, all of us are disgustingly dirty and I think you all should go wash off at the beach. Also because you smell." Mikayla spoke honestly.

The contestants and partners all looked at one another and shrugged their shoulders. Why not?

Everyone went to the beach and washed themselves off by swimming in the ocean. They all started to splash one another and have a good time as well.

After the everyone came out of the water soaking, but clean, they went inside and dried off. For the rest of the night everyone sat around in the living room talking to one another about the challenge and old memories.

This was a good end to a somewhat scarring and somewhat happy day. Who knows what's in stored for the contestants with the next competition.

Hey guys, so I'm excited to say that we now only have four people left in this competition.

I had made the decision to give each of the Final 4 contestants a partner to go along with them just to add something new. Also the chapters would only just be getting shorter because of how few people there are left.

Anyways, that's really all I have for my talk at the end of this chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and if you did please hit that vote button and share this story around, it would be very much appreciated, thanks!

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