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"Victoria! Victoria!!" Lila screamed her name with everything in her. the little energy left but Victoria , did not turn once until she was out of sight.

"You remember the instructions given?" The leader of the gang said to others and they nodded.

Lila began to feel blood dripping and swore that if she ever survives, Victoria would pay dearly for it. though, she does not know what else they plan to do.

The pains felt where severe and she passed out without knowing what was happening around her. after what felt like a few hours of a long sleep, Lila opened her eyes to see herself in a room different from hers or even the hospital. If really, they got to rescue her, wasn't the hospital the first place to take her to?

At first, she tried to say something only to see her mouth wasn't closed.

'Could they have treated me and taken me to a different room?' Lila wondered as she looked around, scanning the room to her content.

Something felt different. But, she couldn't pinpoint to what it was. As if she woke up in a princess's room. She doesn't understand what game Victoria and her boys were playing. While touching her tummy, it felt normal just that it was grumbling a bit because, she was hungry. Starving. Since kidnapped, nothing has entered her mouth, not even water.

Lila heard the room door opening, quickly, she closed her eyes, pretending to be unware of their presence.

"I can't assure anything. But the good thing is, her body have been responding well in the past few days. I'm sure, she will wake up soon." A male voice in the background said and Lila opened her eyes without a second thought.

What did he mean by few days?

"Oh lord, she is awake." The elderly woman who was standing next to the male figure said with so much excitement. She walked closer to the bed and asked, "Can you see me?" And Lila nodded.

The male figure who had a s around his neck, excused the elder lady and took hold of my hand, checking Lila's pulse and other things doctors do. She has never seen them before and yet; they show so much concern for her.

"She is fine." The man said with a smile. then he whispered, "Welcome back Miss Daisy."

'Huh?! Daisy? Who the hell is that?' Lila said inwardly as she blinked again to be certain, she wasn't dreaming.

"Daisy my baby girl." The elderly woman sat on the bed and hugged Lila tight, she had tears in her eyes and it got Lila even more confused.

"Who is Daisy?" The unexpected question seemed to have sent shock to the woman as she pulled away and exchanged glances with the doctor.

"What do you mean? What is your name then?" The elderly woman asked.

"I'm Mrs. Lila Adams. Where is my husband and who are you?" Lila inquired and it added more confusion. She was confused, the woman was confused and the doctor seemed shocked as well. He just stood like a statue. But overlooking their reactions, she continued, "Where you able to save the baby?"

"Now, this is serious." The man finally said something out of amusement. The woman got off the bed.

"We should talk outside." The woman said to the doctor while cleaning her tears.

Lila didn't understand why they gave her the 'you must be crazy' look. She only asked after her husband and baby. It wasn't a bad thing. Lila wondered if it was all part of Victoria's plan too. Like, only few hours of being unconscious, she was now being addressed as Natasha.

After they left the room, Lila got out of bed. Though her head was pounding, she still managed. She wasn't tied up so, something must be up. She must find out what they are planning to do with her. one thing was, whoever was the owner of the room really do have an expensive taste. And her eyes got a huge portrait on the wall. It was that of a beautiful young lady, holding her dog with a bright smile plastered on her face. The happy young face made her remember herself. How cheerful she was. Now, nothing was miserable.

Lila walked pass a mirror when she noticed something that made her stop almost immediately. Taking a step back to face the mirror she had just passed, the reflection on the mirror wasn't hers.

"What is this?" she asked while touching the face, "Is this a dream or some sort of magic?"

She cleared her eyes and it was still the same face. The reflection was exactly the lady she had just finish admiring. It made her scream and fainted after.

Lila's scream made others in the house rush into the room. They saw her unconscious and immediately, laid her back on the bed.

"Daisy, you really have to stop scaring us. Though doctor Stave suspects the accident had caused you to lose your memory. He is not sure yet. For over a month, you were in a vegetate state, we were worried sick about you and now, you don't even know we are. You know, nanny Maria have been in tears since the new of your sudden accident. She hasn't slept well since the accident." A young lady, probably in her late twenties said.

Ever since Lila woke up from the shock, the young lady has been talking to her. It made Lila more disturbed. She couldn't tell if they were playing her or, it was all real.

'What did Victoria do to my body after I fell unconscious.' The thought rang through her mind.

The young lady faced her so closely that, she could perceive the food she had before coming over.

"You are lost in thought. What are you thinking about? Are you hungry? Or, I am boring you with all my talks? Do you not really remember me? do I kiss you?" And Lila moved her face away immediately.

"Hell no. But, was she a lesbian? Do you two..." The young lady's laughter interrupted.

"No. and why saying her? Are you not Natasha?" She asked and Lila knew, to understand what was really happening, she needed to play along to get more information.

"Oh, yes.... You talk too much." Lila mumbled.

"That's what you always tell me." She replied and got up from the bed, "You know, I was so drained and couldn't talk like I used to. everyone kept wondering what went wrong. I really do miss you and have a lot of gist for you. Do you not remember anything at all?" She asked and Lila shook her head.

"Where is Victoria?" Lila asked after a moment of silence.

The young lady raised her right brow, "Who is Victoria?" She asked back.

Lila became dumbfounded. What was really going on? And was she really someone else? Even while looking at the mirror, it was real. But, it wasn't possible, was it?

"Was there an operation carried out on me? Like a plastic surgery kind of thing." Lila asked and the young lady paused in a thoughtful way.

"Plastic surgery? The only surgery carried out was after the accident. You were almost died. Apart from saving your life, the doctors did nothing to your face. Though, you don't look as perfect as you used to be. You only slim down a bit, that's why you have bony cheeks." She answered, then touched Lila's cheeks.

"Was I not pregnant?" The look Lila got after the question was asked, made her feel weird. The young lady gave her a strange stare like, she had gone nuts.

"Pregnant?" Lila l couldn't help but nod, "No, you never told me anything about that. Neither did the Stave. But, when you were taken to the operating room, a lady who they later found out to be pregnant was also being operated on. I heard she died.... from the look of things, you don't know my name too." And Lila felt guilty.

"No. I'm sorry." Lila apologized.

"it's fine. Though, I miss my old friend. But, I will wait." The young lady said with a smile, "I'm Tracy and you are Natasha." She added and rushed to hug Lila.

After the hug, Lila said in a low tone, "Can I use your phone?"

"Sure. Wait let me unlock it." She unlocked it and gave it to Lila.

Immediately, Lila went to search for Mrs. Lila Adamss. The news broke her heart to pieces. It can't be.

'If I am dead, then how come I'm still alive?'

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