[58] : A Request from the Watcher!

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10+ Advance Chapters: p@treon.com/Dragonnx


This place is a bar, one situated beyond the multiverse.

The decor has an ancient European style, with oil lamps burning overhead instead of electric lights. Roger stands in the middle of the bar, feeling a slight sense of familiarity, he must have seen this place in a movie before.

But that isn't the main point. What truly catches Roger's attention is that, aside from himself, the only other person in the bar is a bartender who looks like Doctor Strange. Or rather, the Dark Doctor Strange.

Aside from him, Roger doesn't see any members of the original "Guardians of the Multiverse" team.

After staring at Doctor Strange for a moment, Roger turns around to face the approaching Watcher and asks, "So... why did you bring me here?"

"I need you to do something," the Watcher replies, walking up and towering over Roger.

It's not that he's deliberately looking down on Roger, he's just that tall. Except for beings like the Hulk or Thanos, who are naturally large, the Watcher looks down on everyone.

Hearing the Watcher's words, Roger raises an eyebrow. "Do... something?"

"Roger, I've been observing you for a long time," the Watcher says, his tone serious. "You don't belong to this world, yet you know countless things about it. You are an observer from a higher dimension, so you should understand what I'm talking about."


Roger frowns, looking at the Watcher.

The title "observer from a higher dimension" is a bit much for him, but in a way, the Watcher isn't wrong.

And judging by how confident the Watcher seems, Roger knows there's no point in lying.

Especially with Dark Doctor Strange nearby, he'd see right through any deception.

So, Roger doesn't bother pretending. He lays it all out, saying, "Alright, I do know some things. So... what I want to know is, why me?"

As soon as Roger finishes speaking, the Watcher and Doctor Strange exchange a glance. Doctor Strange shrugs and takes out a beer mug, filling it with beer and sliding it over to Roger.

The Watcher continues, "Initially, I did consider forming a team, but after observing you, I changed my mind."

The Watcher moves to stand beside Roger, prompting Doctor Strange to pull out another mug, playing the role of bartender.

The Watcher doesn't touch the mug. Instead, he gazes at the liquid inside and says to Roger, "If events were to proceed as originally intended, Ultron would be defeated by the team I assembled. Hydra's AI, Arnim Zola, would take over Ultron's body, and Erik Killmonger and Zola would be trapped in a micro-universe created by Strange, fighting over the Infinity Stones..."

The Watcher speaks softly, narrating the original plotline.

As Roger listens, he silently confirms that this is indeed the original storyline.

From what happens in the original series, it's clear that while the Watcher may seem powerless against Infinity Ultron, he's been aware of everything all along.

Whether it's Zola eventually taking over Ultron, or Killmonger's sudden betrayal, or the final outcome, the Watcher saw it all.

It's similar to how the main universe's Doctor Strange foresaw countless possible futures, with only one where they win. The original ending was also the best outcome in the Watcher's eyes.

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