[157] : DC. The Future World and Green Arrow

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Roger needed to figure out which version of the DC Universe he had landed in to decide his next move.

To his surprise, within just a few minutes of flying, he had already deduced the timeline.

After leaving the ocean, Roger came across a barren wasteland. There were no trees or signs of human activity, only endless yellow sand, abandoned buildings, and Parademons flying through the sky as if searching for something.

Yes, Parademons. Roger remembered them from the Justice League (Snyder Cut) movie. They were the minions of Darkseid and Steppenwolf.

If Parademons had overrun the world, it could only mean one thing—this was the timeline where Darkseid had conquered Earth.

The thought made Roger quickly descend from the sky, strip off his armor, and disguise himself as an ordinary person. Before the Parademons could spot him, he swiftly escaped the area.

Since leaving the Marvel Universe, Roger's six Infinity Stones had become mostly unusable. Only the seemingly modified Space Stone was still slowly absorbing energy, while the other stones provided minimal enhancements.

This meant Roger no longer had the multiverse-shattering power he once wielded.

Until the Space Stone fully charged, he couldn't take anyone out of this world either. Considering the threat of Darkseid and the mind-controlled Superman under the Anti-Life Equation, Roger decided it was best to keep a low profile.

He had never fought Superman before and wasn't sure if he could win.

Even if he could, fighting Superman wasn't an appealing option, especially when Superman had Darkseid and the Apokolips army backing him.

Roger wasn't crazy enough to take them on.

"This is a nightmare..."

Hiding underground, Roger grumbled to himself.

He had expected to land in a dangerous world due to his immense power. By the principle of "the stronger you are, the more dangerous the world," it made sense he'd find himself in a perilous situation.

But he hadn't imagined landing in a DC Universe timeline where Darkseid had conquered Earth.

With humanity on the brink of extinction, many of DC's iconic heroes were dead or severely injured. Based on the movies, only a handful of heroes and villains remained to resist Darkseid—Batman, Flash, Cyborg, Mera, and even villains like Joker and Deathstroke had joined the fight.

For heroes and villains to team up, the crisis humanity faced had to be unimaginably dire.

Roger didn't even know whom to approach.

Logically, Batman would be the best option, but walking openly on the surface was out of the question. Who knew how many Parademons were hunting the remaining heroes?

If Roger tried strolling through the streets, he'd just invite a swarm of Parademons and an encounter with the corrupted Superman.

"Speaking of which, this place looks like someone has been here."

Staying underground, Roger examined his surroundings in the sewer system.

After confirming this was the timeline of Darkseid's conquest, he had dived into the sewers of a nearby city. With Parademons swarming the surface, the sewers seemed relatively safe.

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