[77] : We Believe in You

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Although Roger felt that he wasn't yet worthy of the title "Superman," and perhaps never would be, he believed that in this world, the title suited him better than "Homelander."

In the Marvel universe, he had also referred to himself as Superman, and in the fake documentary that had just aired, Thor and the others had called him that too. So, there was nothing wrong with using "Superman" as his name now.

After revealing his current title and explaining the "truth" of the situation to everyone, some of the crowd started to believe Roger, but there were still those who remained skeptical. Then, someone stepped forward from the crowd and said:

"I believe in Homelander... no, I believe in Superman! Because when we were hijacked, it was Superman who saved us! I believe in a hero who would give his all to save others!"

Roger was stunned as he looked at the person who stepped forward. This wasn't someone he had arranged to be there, it was a genuine person who truly believed in him.

To Roger's regret, he couldn't even recall who the person was, but they remembered him.

And they weren't the only one. Once that person spoke up, many others stood up as well. They formed a group that had been mixed into the crowd, their voices not loud nor noticeable until now. In the silence, their presence became undeniable.

The protesters who had come to criticize Homelander turned their attention to this group. The cameras brought by the journalists also focused on them.

These people had always stood by Homelander, even when others had criticized and denounced him as unworthy of being a superhero.

Why? Because Roger had truly saved their lives.

"I believe in Superman too!"

"So do I!"

"Superman! We'll always support you!!"

Among the supporters, some discarded signs that had originally read "Homelander" and began shouting Roger's new title.

A young woman, carrying her daughter, pushed through the crowd and approached Roger. The little girl stretched out her hand toward him and said:

"Superman, I believe in you too! Keep it up!"

In her hand, she held a figure of Homelander, and she was dressed in his old hero costume, looking like a little superhero herself. Seeing this, Roger suddenly felt his eyes well up with emotion.

He had never expected these people to show up, nor had he imagined they would support him so unwaveringly.

Because when Roger revealed everything, explaining that he was from a parallel universe and even presenting an alien spaceship as evidence, nothing else should have mattered. Vought would have no choice but to believe him, as would the government.

With such a blatant display of extraterrestrial technology, even skeptics had to believe. But despite all that, these people's appearance caught Roger completely off guard.

Unlike the others who believed him because of the overwhelming evidence, these supporters were genuine believers in him as a person.

Their faith in Roger stemmed from a simple reason: he had saved their lives. He had personally carried them down from tens of thousands of feet in the sky, safely delivering them to the ground and giving them a second chance at life.

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