[73] : Throw Them All Out

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"This is impossible! Homelander has gone mad!"

In Vought's office, Madelyn spat out the coffee she had just sipped. She could not believe what she had just heard, Homelander, in front of live cameras, had said something utterly absurd!

The Norse god Thor? The God of Thunder from Asgard?

Such nonsense, only fit for children, and Homelander was actually saying it on camera! Was he insane, or did he have some ulterior motive?

Madelyn didn't believe Homelander had lost his mind, so she was more inclined to think that he had some hidden agenda behind this bizarre statement, perhaps trying to manipulate public opinion for his own goals.

Madelyn wasn't the only one who didn't believe it. No one else did either.

Even Tek Knight, who was currently at Supe Entertainment's base, preparing for an alien tech brain tumor surgery, didn't believe what Roger had said.

He turned to the Winter Soldier with his metal arm and asked, "So, what's your plan? Some sort of god-making project?"

"No, this may sound hard to believe..." the Winter Soldier replied, "but Roger is telling the truth. That man really is Thor, the Asgardian god who's lived for over five thousand years."

Before the Winter Soldier finished speaking, Ant-Man, who was wearing regular clothes and a layer of synthetic skin, chimed in.

"Although, he shouldn't be called the God of Thunder anymore. He's the All-Father now. I don't know all the details, but I heard that Odin, the former king, passed the throne to him before he died. Then there was something about Ragnarok... Anyway, I don't know the full story. You'd have to ask him when he gets back."

Ant-Man had initially planned to ramble on and on, but seeing the cold glare from the Winter Soldier, he decided to summarize it as briefly as possible.

Tek Knight stood there, mouth agape, staring at Ant-Man like he was hearing gibberish. After a long pause, he finally said.

"...Either I've lost my mind or you all have... Oh, right, I'm the one with a brain tumor... Damn, now everything sounds like crazy talk to me..."

"...Dude, I'm serious," Ant-Man added helplessly, seeing Tek Knight's disbelief.

Natasha, who had been silently organizing some files, suddenly joined the conversation: "If you tell them Thor is a god, they won't believe you. You'd have better luck explaining that he's an alien. That might be easier for them to grasp."

"No!" Tek Knight interrupted. "Actually, god works better for me. I think the idea of aliens would freak me out even more!... Ugh, whatever, I'll just go ahead with the surgery."

Tek Knight felt like he was dreaming, or maybe Roger's companions were all a little off. Even Roger himself was far from normal!

He had disappeared suddenly, then reappeared just as abruptly, and now he'd brought back people who clearly didn't seem like they were from Earth. After all, Earthlings don't have the technology to shrink and grow at will!

Yet, his rational mind refused to accept that these people were aliens. Somehow, the notion of gods seemed more palatable to him.

Natasha shrugged, indicating that Tek Knight could believe whatever he wanted. Then she turned to Banner and asked, "Banner, have you found anything?"

"Hm..." Banner, using the tablet he had brought from the Marvel universe and connected to The Boys world's network, replied, "Most of it aligns with what Roger said.

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