Chapter 3 - Charles Roberts

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Siobhan calmly walked into the coffee shop, she was so nervous that Roger had sent someone to follow her or worse, but as soon as she saw Vivian smile at her awkwardly the worries melted away. Siobhan sat down opposite Vivian and just stared, waiting for the woman to explain why the hell she made Siobhan come to some random coffee shop, not even the one they went to together before the engagement.

"So, I chose this one since Roger knows the one we used to go to and I am not about to risk that." Vivian said, almost as if she read Siobhan's mind.

"Alright, so what are we doing here. Hurry up and explain, I don't have much time."

"Right, sorry. I know I could just report Roger to the police, but he's way too powerful. They wouldn't do anything without solid proof and some sort of reliability that Roger won't send anyone after them." Vivian began. Siobhan stared at her, giving her a look like 'how the hell do we get proof.'

"Don't worry, I'm not going to make you wear a body cam or anything" Vivian laughed weakly

"That wasn't what I was thinking about, but good to know i suppose." Siobhan smirked, it was exactly what she was thinking about.

"Okay, well anyway, I'm thinking the best way to get proof of all the shit he's done is to get someone on the inside to break. We need a recording of either Roger himself or one of his men admitting to at least 2 of his crimes, that would be enough to get him jail time as pretty much everything he's ever done has been illegal."

"That wont work." Siobhan sighed. Vivian looked up at her confused but didn't respond.

"It's basically impossible to track down anyone associated with Roger unless it's the man himself. And if we did manage to find someone we'd need to practically torture it out of them and i doubt even after that that they'd give us anything more than 'he made me kill someone!' Or some useless shit like that. If we did get anything more then the police still wouldn't believe us, for all they know we paid some random guy to lie about something."

"Jesus Christ you're good at this." Vivian stated, completely impressed by Siobhan's pure nonchalant wisdom.

"I'm engaged to the man, I've learnt a thing or two."

"Right." Vivian hated being reminded that the one woman who actually seemed to enjoy her company, was engaged to the emperor of hell himself.

"So do you have anything better to suggest or am I allowed to leave?" Siobhan joked with a straight face, she didn't want to leave at all but she was not about to admit to herself that she might actually enjoy someone else's company other than her own.

"Yeah, yeah. What if instead of getting a voice or video recording we get things like files, some sort of transaction proof or maybe even just a list written by Roger of all the things he's brought or all the people he's killed for money?"

"No, he's too careful to have something like that just written out somewhere. But you might be getting somewhere with the files and proof of certain transactions." Siobhan smiled, maybe there was hope of getting Roger arrested after all.

The next day Siobhan gladly said goodbye to her fiancé as he left for an appointment, she had the house to herself and wouldn't have to sneak around or explain herself every time she wanted to leave a room.

"It looks like a normal bank transfer, it even has the signatures to verify and a full list of what was paid off." Vivian began to explain but Siobhan interrupted her.

"Get to the point Viv, Roger will be back soon we need to get this over with."

"Okay okay. If you do the maths the transactions don't add up! Roger was scammed out of nearly £500. That would be normal and even beneficial to Roger but look at the date." Vivian said proudly.

"What about it?..oh my god. That's the date one of the richest politicians 'friends' with Roger died mysteriously.." Siobhan realised quickly.

"Exactly. Theres probably more files closer to that date that can help confirm it too! Roger probably not only sent his men on the politician guy but he probably stole the money back, meaning there would be more transactions saved around a day or two later!"

Siobhan had never felt so exited, it may have only been one file but that became their first proof that Roger definitely had something to do with the mans death, and they would only need one more file to back it up. A transfer of £500 to Roger, under the name: Charles Roberts.

Another hour passed by, even though they found the first step to getting revenge on Roger the women knew they'd need a lot more than one bank statement and a theory. Siobhan found some documents signed by Roger himself, all confirming things like prescription pills and printed copies of emails, but nothing useful. Vivian found a lot more bank statements, including at least 20 transactions between Charles Roberts and Roger, a lot of them were linked to emails. Viv read all of them but found nothing useful, they seemed friendly with each other so it definitely wasn't helping their theory that Roger was linked to his death.

Until she found gold. A transfer of £500 to Roger, linked to an email.

'Reminder, delete all traces of this transaction, go straight home and remove Charles's details.' -sent from Charles Roberts, 2 days after his death.

"Siobhan..I got it."

Siobhan rushed over and took Vivian's phone to take photos. Viv watched with a smile but paused as she heard footsteps outside the door.

"What the hell do you think you're doing."

A/N just an update, I'm updating every day! usually at night but there will be exceptions

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