Chapter 9 - "Stay with me, please!"

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A/N I'm not sorry for the last chapter or for this one <3

Charlotte screamed and ran towards her lover, Mia laid almost lifeless on the ground. Only her eyes moved as she looked up at her sobbing girlfriend, all she could feel was pain.

Vivian stood still in shock, all she could do was watch as Charlotte desperately attempted to patch up Mia's gunshots.

"MIA! MIA STAY WITH ME! PLEASE.. PLEASE!" Charlotte sobbed, she could see she was being surrounded but she didn't care. Mia was dead. So she might as well be.

"CHARLOTTE!" Vivian's survival instinct kicked in and she began to run towards the woman and drag Charlotte away but stopped herself when she heard more gunshots. Viv covered her mouth in shock as she watched Charlotte shoot down every single person that had dared to stand near her.

"FUCK YOU!" Charlotte screamed as she killed every one of them, paying extra attention to the last man that shot Mia.

After a few minutes the women were sure there were no more men left except Roger. Vivian had seen him watching from behind the corner of her house and took the gun from Charlotte, but she was stopped.

"It's empty." Charlotte whispered through her tears.

Vivian turned back around and just hugged Charlotte, they stood there for a while just crying into each others arms.

"Let me get this straight, you killed.." he paused for a second, rifled through some papers and continued. "At least 50 men. Because they killed one woman?"

"She wasn't just 'one woman'. She was the love of my life."

"Alright then.." The officer was about to say something but got cut off by a blonde man walking in with his I.D in one hand and Vivian's arm in the other.

"We're leaving."

"You can, but that lady and this lady" He pointed to Viv and Char "are staying right here."

"No, they're not." The man showed his I.D and tilted his head at the police officer

"..knight? Of course sir! So sorry for the inconvenience. Take them away." The officer linked together exactly who the blonde was instantly and left the room. He wasn't about to get mixed up with Roger knight's son.

"Thanks, Reece." Charlotte said weakly.

"Of course, now what the fuck is going on."

The women followed Reece out of the police station and into his car, Charlotte tried to start explaining but broke down before she could get a word out and Vivian wasn't speaking at all so Reece just drove in silence with his hand on Charlottes back.

"CHAR!" Marjorie ran out the door and embraced the sobbing woman in a tight hug. She hadn't heard much but from what she got of the phone call between Char and Reece it was bad.

"Marjorie" Char couldn't get another word out, her face was swallowed in tears and all she wanted to do was curl up into a ball forever.

"Oh darling.." Marjorie looked over to Vivian, she wasn't crying so the woman assumed she'd explain everything but Vivian just started to walk away.

"Vivian? Where are you going?" Reece grabbed her arm and she pulled away, breaking into tears before shouting

"Home! I just want to leave! I never wanted to be apart of any of this, I just wanted Siobhan!" She paused

Marjorie and Reece just stared at her in shock. They had no idea but Charlotte was unfazed.

"I'm done. I can't have her, so I'm done trying. I lost Jamie, I lost Siobhan, and now even Mia. I. Am. Done."

She walked away in tears.

"What." Marjorie just held Charlotte closer as she tried to process everything. Jamie? Siobhan??

"Did she say.. Mia?" Reece turned back around to face the women.

Charlotte couldn't bring herself to do anything but nod and hide her face in Marjorie's hair.

"She.." Reece's eyes filled with tears as he realised what she meant. No wonder Char was such a sobbing mess.

Marjorie looked at Reece in confusion before she realised.

"No. No no no no no!" Marjorie started shaking her head and laughing in a panicked way, almost as if she was trying to convince herself it was a cruel prank.

"You're kidding! She's not dead, that's stupid. Why would she even be dead? There's no reason!"

"Roger.." Charlotte whispered.

Reece's blood ran cold.

"That mother fucker. He's going to pay, there's no way I'm letting that old asshole get away with this." Reece stormed out the front door, Marjorie was going to follow but Char stopped her.

"I want revenge just as much as him, but we cant storm into this."

"Ah you're talking now?" Marjorie smiled weakly, she was still completely distraught about the news but it hadn't fully registered in her head that it was real quite yet.

"Mmh.." Charlotte wiped her face and just stared at Marjorie for a second.

"I think I can explain what happened.." She sniffled

"Thank you darling, if you need to stop, it's okay." Marjorie held her hand and waited for her to start

After around 30 minutes, Reece appeared in the doorway with Autumn following closely behind him. He walked into the living room and saw Charlotte crying in Marjorie's arms, the other woman just looked blanked and slightly surprised.


"She.. She killed so many people."

"What? Mia?"

"No, Charlotte. Mia got killed by Roger's men. Charlotte... killed all of them but.. Roger."

"Wow. She's capable of killing people?"

"I guess so." Marjorie hadn't turned to face the siblings, she just stared at the wall as she spoke.

"Then let's help her finish the job." Autumn stepped in front of Marjorie, holding her bat in one hand and offering a gun to the woman with her other.

"Get Siobhan and Vivian too.. they'll need to be there for this." Charlotte whispered

"Good idea, but Vivian doesn't seem like she wants to talk to us right now.." Reece sighed

"She'll speak to Siobhan." Charlotte responded shortly.

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