Chapter 8 - Run

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TW!! Implications of SA!!
Siobhan waved goodbye and walked into the cold, empty mansion. She had been staying with Charlotte and Mia for a few days but Siobhan felt like she was only a burden to the women.

Charlotte always assured her that they were happy to help but Mia was so cold and distant when Siobhan was in the room. She even heard Char talking to Mia about it, asking her to be more friendly. Siobhan was happy to be away, she appreciated all of Charlottes help but it was becoming tense between her and Mia and she didn't want to cause a rift between the two women who had helped her more than anything.

"Siobhan? Where the fuck are you? You're in deep trouble whore."

The blonde was sat watching tv when she heard the front door slam shut. She didn't expect Roger to be back home for at least another few days but she recognised his voice immediately.

"Roger? You're okay!" Siobhan faked happiness at her fiancé's arrival home and threw her arms around him but he pushed her to the ground instantly.

"Quit it. You only watched as that red haired, ungrateful bitch attacked me. You have no remorse."

Siobhan's fake smile faded and she stood up quickly. Roger grabbed her by the hair and pulled her away to their bedroom.

The next morning Charlotte woke up to see a bunch of badly-typed messages from Siobhan, all saying things along the lines of: 'Roger's home, mad' 'hurt mean man' and even 'shithead die'. Charlotte understood them instantly and just as she was about to respond with comforting words she realised her number had been blocked.

Roger threw Siobhan's phone against the wall after blocking every single person in her contact list except for himself. She screamed at him and pleaded, shouting mixtures of curses and insults to fake love confessions. She'd say anything to get him to stop.

"Shut the fuck up! Oh my god Siobhan, you're insufferable."

"Let me go then. Get out of my life."

"Please, like I'd let you leave." Roger scoffed

Charlotte got out of bed quickly, she knew Siobhan wouldn't just block her out of the blue and based on the texts, Roger had returned to the mansion. She woke up Mia who groaned and got up slowly, watching as Charlotte rushed to get ready and put her shoes on.

"Where are you going? Roger isn't just going to open the door to you and say 'oh I am so sorry random lady, I'll let my fiancé go right now!'. You're just gonna get jumped" Mia yawned and chuckled to herself slightly at the last sentence.

"Jee thanks, nice to know you think I'm stupid." Charlotte quickly left the room, grabbing her phone on the way out.

"Shit. Char I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that!" Mia started to follow her girlfriend but instead got stopped in the doorway as Charlotte slammed the door.

Vivian slowly opened her front door, immediately bombarded by Charlotte trying to explain with a million words a second. Mia was running after her, still attempting to shove on a boot.

"What's going on??" Vivian just stood there confused. Her eyes looked puffy as if she had been crying and Charlotte noticed immediately, shutting up and just hugging the woman.

"I am so so so so so so sorry to bother you but Roger got back from the hospital and I think Siobhan is in like super danger this time and"

Vivian cut Charlotte off by breaking the hug, taking her hand and leading her to the sofa. Before Vivian sat down next to the woman she saw a tiny blood stain on the wall behind the sofa. She winced and decided to stand, only looking at Charlotte.

Charlotte saw Vivian look at the wall, flinch and look away so she looked on instinct and saw the same stain. She saw as Vivian's eyes filled with tears and stood up quickly, blocking it from her peripheral vision.

"I am so sorry Vivian.. I came here to ask for your help."

"If it's anything to do with taking down Roger I'm completely on board." Vivian blinked away her tears and forced a slight laugh.

Charlotte and Vivian both jumped as the front door slammed open. Mia ran in covered in blood, grabbed Char and Viv's hand and rushed them out the back door.

"MIA? WHATS GOING ON??" Char saw the blood and panicked

"Guess who's out front with practically an army." Mia covered their mouths before the women could respond, she pushed them against the back wall of the house and started attempting to wipe the blood off her. Charlottes panic resided as she realised it wasn't Mia's blood then it came back when she also realised it wasn't Mia's blood.

"FIND THEM. I WANT THAT BITCH AND HER LITTLE FRIENDS DEAD ONCE AND FOR ALL." Roger was screaming at his men while putting zero effort into helping them.

A single man ran outside, he turned his head urgently looking for the women and when he saw Charlotte and Viv pinned to the wall with a bloody Mia standing over them he tried calling the others to help him. Mia ran towards him, she punched him and took his gun, shooting him with no hesitation.

Vivian looked away, terrified but Charlotte watched. It was disgusting to see a man die but Mia had never looked hotter. (🤭)

"We need to go. Now." Mia turned and started shooting at the men pouring out the door, Vivian had already started running but Charlotte stood still, mouth agape at her girlfriend effortlessly taking out countless men while running.


"SHIT, RIGHT YEAH SORRY!" The woman ran as fast as she could, catching up with Vivian quickly and turning her head round to see where Mia was.

She stopped.


She turned around to see Mia on the ground.

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