Chapter 7 - An old house

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"Siobhan, we need to talk."

Charlotte sat the woman down, she was confused but obliged with no questions.

"There's a few things I'd like to bring up.."

Siobhan shifted uncomfortably, realising what Char was about to talk about.

"That night, when I found you...why?"

The blonde diverted eye contact, she still didn't truly know what was going on in her mind that night.

"That's okay, we don't have to talk about it." Char comforted her and changed the subject quickly.

Siobhan just continued to sit in silence as Charlotte began to speak but stop herself, she was clearly struggling to find a different topic.

"It's okay, char. Don't feel like you need to speak to me."

"Siobhan.. I want to talk to you. I want to be there for you and be your friend." Char smiled

Siobhan was surprised, she thought Char was only helping her out of pity but now she seemed genuine.

"Okay then." The blonde didn't know what to say

"Right, this became awkward so I'm going to get straight to the point." Siobhan nodded and hummed in agreement

"I know Roger's a horrible person towards you. I want to be able to help but he's too powerful and well.. rich, to just escape from or send to jail." Char continued "I'm sure you know about my ex, and how he treated me."

Char hesitated for a second, recalling the memories and Siobhan didn't know what to do. After a few seconds of awkward silence Siobhan decided to do what Char would do, taking her hand gently and motioning for her to continue, almost saying 'it's okay'.

Charlotte was surprised ad Siobhan's gesture but appreciated it and continued

"He was a bad man, definitely not as powerful as Roger but I have some experience escaping abusive men. I can help."

"But how? Roger won't stop at anything to keep me by his side. I know we've been trying to find proof but nothings been super helpful yet.."

"But we found almost solid proof with the 'Charles' guy!"

Charlotte started to continue but Siobhan interrupted

"I know, but we've only found a few bank statements and a bunch of friendly emails. Everyone in some form of power knows Roger's been into some shady stuff and he's too powerful to be arrested over one murder. Plus none of what we found confirms anything and we haven't found anything else with Charles since."

"But that's what I'm trying to say! There's nothing more of Charles because he's dead. If we can convince to police to look into it they'll most likely find more stuff on charles' end that backs up our theory!"

"I understand why you'd think that but the police wouldn't be willing to do any of that. They'd know if Roger finds out they were snooping through his potential victims old statements and emails almost a decade after his death they'd be in deep shit."

"Then let's do it ourself."


"Let's do it ourself! Let's find Charles' old computer or something. Anything we can get our hands on."

"Are you insane? How the hell would we find his old computer? Or any of his shit? The man died 10 years ago."

"I know, but we have his full name, email address, certain bank and computer details from the transfers and emails sent from Roger to himself, and he was a famous politician. There's gotta be a ton of information online!"

"Like I said, the guy died 10 years ago. There's no way his house isn't gonna have new residents and his old computer is probably smashed to bits by now. There's no chance any of his stuff is still around."

"Nope, found it!" Char showed her phone to Siobhan, a picture of an old, burnt house on the screen.

"The hell is that?"

"His old house. And I got the exact location."

"You're not implying what I think you are, right?"

"I probably am."

"Great." Siobhan sighed

The next day, the three women sat silently in Mia's car. The redhead was not happy being forced to drive her girlfriend and her new 'friend' to her possibly dead dad's old house. Although, it would give her a chance to rummage through his stuff and maybe let her find out if he really was her father, despite it being some very bittersweet information Mia wasn't sure she was ready for.

Siobhan had told Vivian about their plan, Vivian decided she would meet them there and the blonde was struggling to contain her excitement, finally being able to meet her friend again. That's all they were, right?

"This is it, it smells like shit."

Charlotte and Siobhan immediately started looking through the rummage, the structure of the house was still there but the walls were practically charcoal at this point. Mia wondered off to see if she could find a bedroom, maybe it had photos?

The women were at the house for around 20 minutes before they heard another car pull up. Siobhan immediately perked up and stopped complaining about her hands being covered in dirt when she saw Vivian rise from the drivers seat.

"Viv..!" Siobhan almost ran over, she controlled herself for long enough to walk quickly over to the woman and stand there awkwardly.

"Hey, Siobhan." Vivian looked visibly tired, she hadn't slept a wink since Jamie..

Siobhan hesitated, slightly surprised that Vivian used her full name instead of BonBon but tied it down to tiredness.

"We haven't found anything yet, but Mia said she thought she saw remnants of a computer while looking upstairs"

Vivian looked confused for a second and just stared at the blonde, after a good few seconds she suddenly snapped back into reality and just nodded before speed walking to the house.

They spent another hour searching, eventually leaving with some broken remnants of a computer and hope. Mia also found an old camera that she hoped had some old photos she could look through.

Charlotte and Mia got into the car quickly, only saying goodbye with a quick wave. Siobhan wanted so badly to ask her to stay but she knew Vivian would decline.

She had been so cold and far away the entire time, it made sense since she lost her son but Siobhan couldn't help but feel like she had done something wrong? Vivian had at least pretended to laugh on their phone calls and always sounded happy but she was so different now.

Siobhan wanted to reach out, to help her, or get revenge on Roger. But, instead, she got into the car without even saying goodbye.

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