Siobhan woke up in a hospital bed, blinking as her eyes adjusted to the cold bright lights shining in her face. She could hear alot of beeping and footsteps as different nurses and doctors rushed around her.
"You're awake!" A nurse said as she peeked through the curtains blocking Siobhan's bed from the others.
Siobhan wanted to ask where she was, what was happening and why everything was so loud but all she could manage was a measly
The nurse giggled slightly and responded
"Yeah you won't be able to say much without some pain, we had to pump your stomach alot so your throat must be super sore!"
Siobhan was a little taken aback, not only by the nurses joyful tone at saying something so horrible but the fact she didn't remember anything about her stomach being pumped.
"You look confused, I'm guessing you don't remember it?"
Siobhan nodded
"Yeah when you came into the hospital you were already in and out of consciousness so I doubt you remember anything"
The woman laid back in her bed, the nurse walked over to the side of the hospital bed and started checking some equipment.
Siobhan had a million thoughts in her head, how did she get here? Is Roger here? Do they see the scars..? Who is this lady speaking as if everything is fine?? She couldn't ask a single question or say a single word. Even just being able to ask the nurse's name would've brought Siobhan comfort.
Her breathing grew heavy as Siobhan sat, unable to speak without pain. She wanted to scream, to cry, to ask if she was okay or if they saw what Roger had done to her.
The nurse noticed Siobhan hyperventilating and started to try and comfort her, whispering words of affirmation or trying to hold her hand but nothing was working.
Siobhan was gasping for air, the nurse quickly left to grab a glass of water for her but as the curtain moved behind her Siobhan's eyes locked onto Vivian's. Her breathing steadied immediately and her mind went blank.
Vivian had huge eye bags and messy hair, she looked exhausted but her eyes lit up slightly when she saw Siobhan. They dimmed immediately as she realised she saw Siobhan. In a hospital bed.
"Bon Bon?" Vivian started to walk towards her with concern but she got dragged away by a doctor who needed her help.
The nurse returned with the water and smiled as she saw Siobhan had stopped hyperventilating.
"Ah great! What was that about? Here, drink some water and try and speak. If it hurts too much I can get some paper and a pen!"
Siobhan gladly drank the water, her mouth tasted like blood and her throat felt raw but the cold water helped.
"My fiancé" Was all she could manage in a whisper.
"Okay, let me get that pen." The nurse smiled slightly with sympathy in her eyes.
A few minutes later she returned with a small notebook and a blue pen. She handed them to Siobhan and pulled a chair over to sit next to the woman as she wrote.
"What's your name?" Siobhan decided to write first. The nurse read it and looked a bit surprised but smiled and said
"Heidi! What's your name? The man who brought you here only referred to you as 'My fiancé' then he left" Heidi rolled her eyes and whispered under her breath 'men'.
"Siobhan" she wrote quickly but didn't show it to Heidi until she had added
"Roger left me here?"
Heidi's smile faded as she read the last bit, she felt bad for the woman. Siobhan's face saddened as she realised her own fiancé had left her in a hospital alone.
"If it helps, he did seem really concerned. He changed you into a hospital gown himself and made sure you were tucked up in bed before anyone could see you naked" Heidi giggled slightly thinking about his poor attempt at keeping Siobhan's dignity even though she was unconscious.
"He only did all that so nobody would see my scars." Siobhan wrote quickly. Her face had grown from a sad expression to a mad one as the situation fully dawned on her.
Heidi read it and grew pale.
Siobhan looked horrified, realising what she had just revealed to this poor nurse.
"It's fine, forget I said- wrote it." 'said' had been crossed out.
"Are you sure? Is he.. hurting you?" Heidi whispered the last two words, at first she just thought Roger was nervous for his lovers safety and left because he didn't like hospitals but now it made a lot more sense.
"No more than any other man has." Siobhan sighed as she showed it to Heidi
"No man should ever hurt you Siobhan."
She looked surprised at this, every man she had ever dated or married had been horrible to her, Roger was definitely the worse but she was used to being mistreated.
Siobhan quickly wrote
"It's fine, I'm used to it. When can I leave?"
Heidi just looked sad and said
"A few days, we need to make sure you're stable. And we need to find out why you're here so is there any chance you could write it down?"
"I swallowed a few too many pills, it was just an accident."
Siobhan knew why she swallowed so many pills but she wasn't about to dump that on Heidi. Every word Siobhan wrote had seemed to make her a little bit sadder so she figured telling her about Vivian and the full extent of Roger would just make her cry.
"Oh sweetheart.." Heidi whispered. She was at least 7 years younger than Siobhan but it felt right to call her sweetheart.
"It's not a big deal and it won't happen again. Please just let me leave" Siobhan gave the paper to Heidi this time instead of just showing it to her and letting her read it. She was done talking now.
"5 days at most, your fiancé's pretty powerful so if he wants you out tomorrow it'll happen." Heidi quickly wrote something down before walking away and leaving the paper on Siobhan's bed.

"Please, be the one for me"
RomanceSiobhan is sort of like a bee. Theres a lot of darkness in her past, most of which is caused by something like a bird, or someone like Roger. But then theres yellow! Light, happiness, love. Moths are sort of drawn to the light, Vivian is sort of lik...