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The sun rises as I begin to awaken
Golden rays filtering through the curtains,
Casting soft patterns across the office.
I sit upright on the couch, feeling the warmth on my skin,
Naked and vulnerable,
Embracing the freedom of this moment.

I glanced over to see Kaiba,
His figure silhouetted by the morning light
Still the same with a mirror of my own vulnerability.
In this quiet moment, we both lay bare
Bound by a shared intimacy that felt both foreign and familiar.

I rise from the couch,
The cool air brushing against my skin,
And begin putting my clothes back on,
The fabric with a comforting barrier against the light.
Each piece feels like a reminder of reality,
A gentle nudge back to the world outside this sanctuary
As I dress, I steal another glance at him,
Wondering what thoughts drift behind those closed eyelids,
And if he, too, feels the weight of this moment.

As I pull on my leather jumpsuit
The fabric clinging snugly to my skin, 
I suddenly feel arms wrapping around my waist
A warm embrace that ignites a rush of warmth within me
Pushing through
Kaiba's presence is both comforting and electric
His breath brushing against my shoulder, 
A gentle kiss placed there, sending shivers down my spine. 

"Hey... love," Yuza

I hear him murmur, his voice low and husky, 
The words lingering in the air like a soft melody. 
I turn slightly, meeting his gaze, and in that moment, 
The world outside fades away, leaving just the two of us, 
Caught in a delicate balance of tenderness and unspoken feelings. 
His grip tightens around me, as if anchoring me to this moment
This bubble of intimacy that feels almost surreal. 

"Did I wake you?" Yuza

I ask, my voice barely above a whisper, 
Feeling a mix of vulnerability and joy at his unexpected affection. 
He shakes his head, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips, 

"Not really. Just enjoying the view," Seto Kaiba

Kaiba replies
With a hint of amusement in his voice. 

"Is the view really that captivating to you?
It must be quite impressive," Yuza

Raising an eyebrow, 
Curious kicks in about what holds onto his attention. 

"More than that to any," Seto Kaiba

His gaze unwavering, 
A smirk playing at the corners of his lips, hinting at something deeper.

His playful confidence cuts through the air,
I can't help but smile, 
The tension easing between us, replaced by a shared warmth. 
In that brief exchange, 
I realize how much this connection means to me— 
The way he can bring light to my shadows, 
The way we can navigate the complexities of our lives, 

I turned around, facing front
The air thick with an unspoken connection between us. 

"I hope things will come great for you as it comes and rises" Yuza

With a soft smile
I leaned in brushing my lips against his cheek, 
A gentle gesture filled with warmth. 
Then, I pressed a small peck to his lips, 
a fleeting touch that lingered in the air, 
both tender and electrifying. 
In that moment, time seemed to stand still, 
the world around us fading into a blur as we shared this simple yet profound intimacy.**

"Get dressed... we have a lot to tackle to get our straight priorities done" Seto Kaiba

His tone shifting to that familiar mix of urgency and determination. 
The warmth of his embrace lingers even as he releases me
And I can't help but feel a twinge of reluctance to break this moment. 
I finish pulling on my jumpsuit, 
The fabric now feeling like a second skin, 
A reminder that while this intimacy is special, 
Reality waits just outside these walls. 
Kaiba watches me with that intense gaze, 
His expression a blend of focus and something softer, 
Something almost protective. 
As we walked down the hallways

"Right, priorities," Yuza

I reply, straightening my jumpsuit garments

"You should know by now, we have a lot to tackle," Seto Kaiba

His undertone firm yet unwavering, 
The intensity of his gaze piercing through me. 

"Yes, we do," Yuza

Agreeing, feeling a rush of determination. 

"We need to move quickly; there's a lot on the agenda," Seto Kaiba

He emphasizes
The urgency in his voice cutting through the morning haze. 

"I'll do my best," Yuza

I promise, ready to match his resolve, 
The weight of our tasks ahead sparking a renewed sense of purpose.
I reply, forcing a lightness into my voice, 
Though my heart still flutters from the connection we just shared. 
I move to grab my belongings scattered across the room, 
Trying to shake off the lingering thoughts of our quiet morning. 

"Any plans for the day?" Yuza

I ask, looking up from my belongings
As I finish getting ready. 

"Just the usual—keeping up with the workload at Kaibacorp," Seto Kaiba

He replies with his expression focused, 
But.. with a hint of something more in his eyes. 

"Nothing new on the list, just more of the same grind."  Seto Kaiba

I nod, sensing the weight of his responsibilities. 

"Always so busy. Is there ever a break in your schedule?" Yuza

I tease lightly, 
Trying to lighten the mood. 
He smirks slightly, a flicker of amusement crossing his features. 

"Breaks are for the weak," Seto Kaiba

He quips, his tone playful yet serious. 

"But I guess even I could use one now and then."  Seto Kaiba

"Maybe we can schedule one?" Yuza

I suggest, a glimmer of hope in my voice. 

"A chance to step away from all the chaos would be great."  Yuza

Kaiba pauses, considering my words, 
The usual determination in his eyes softening just a touch. 

"Perhaps. If we can finish everything on schedule," Seto Kaiba

He says, his tone resolute. 

"I'm confident we can. There's plenty to do, but we can make significant progress," Yuza

I reply, eager to rise to the challenge. 

"We need to keep moving forward while we have the chance," Seto Kaiba

He's adds
Focus unwavering as he considers the tasks ahead.
He echoes, the word carrying a weight that resonates between us, 
Reminding me that even in the midst of chaos
We can find a balance

Hoping to steer the conversation into familiar territory. 
Kaiba shrugs, already scanning the room with his sharp gaze, 

"Just the usual—work, meetings, and maybe a surprise or two."  Seto Kaiba

There's a glimmer of mischief in his eyes, 
A reminder that life is never truly ordinary. 
I can't help but smile at the thought
Ready to face whatever challenges awaits, 
As long as it's faced together.
To get things done
As long as it's possible
Anything can be achieved as long as you keep it possible to not make it impossible.
Anything can be a challenge

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