Don't worry

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{Posted 1st October 2024}
{Edited 11th October 2024}
{Edited again 20January2025}

Lamar Kingston//Killa

I got inside the house totally annoyed, angry and most definitely moody. I walked to the kitchen to find Onika drinking water. When she turned to look at me, she raised her brows and walked over to me. "And then?" She asked. "What?" I sat on one of the island stools with a frown. "Don't what me. Why you come in like that. Yo facial expression says a lot." She scoffs with her hands on her hips.

"Is nun don't worry." I waved it off before I pulled out my phone and went through my contacts looking for that one person's number. Before I could do anything else, my phone was snatched outta my hands. I looked up and saw Onika looking at my screen. "The fuck?" I said. "Killa whas going on with you. Why you look moody? Is just a simple question you'on wanna answer brooo. Now you scrolling through your phone as if it's nothing when I know it's something." she looked sad and angry. I knew she just wanted to know what's wrong but I also don't wanna talk about it...neither do I want her to worry. "I said it's nun. Now give me my phone." I said sternly.

"No." She walked to the corner of the kitchen and continued looking for I don't know what on my phone. I sighed and stood up from where I was sitting. I snatched my phone out of her hand and turned around. "Killa the fuck man. Whas going on with you. You left this morning looking normal and shit, now you come back looking and acting moody. What the fuck did I do. Talk to me baby." Her voice cracked a bit as she spoke. My heart instantly shattered and I quickly turned around to see Onika crying silently. She tried wiping her tears but more just came running down her cheeks.

I sighed sadly and wrapped my arms around her. She attempted to push me back but failed. "No leave me alone." She said still crying. I let a little chuckle before hugging her tightly. "Baby I'm sorry. Ian mean to make you cry. I hate to see you cry. Just shits going on at the trap so now I'm just annoyed with it."

"Now why didn't you just fucking say something in the bloody first place." She looked up at me, her eyes glossy but so fucking gorgeous. "Ion wanna worry you." I sighed. She frowned before she said something. "Full story. Now. What's wrong and don't lie to me."

I knew I couldn't escape her now so I just went to the living room and sat on one of the couches. I pulled Onika close to me so her legs were on top of mine. My one arm around her waist while the other one rested on her thigh. "Dayum so...last year June when I went to South London for business, I uhm.... bumped into Jamele." I said, my voice laced with disgust at the mention of his name. "YOUR DAD??!!!" she looked bewildered. Her mouth hung low with her eyes as wide as saucers. I chuckled at the way she looked. "WHATTT?"

"Dayum baby chillout. Yea well I saw him and his daughter. Her names Indigo and she has a brother. His names Lyric." I said. "How old are they?" She asked. "She twenty-two and he nineteen."

"Ohhhh. You have a pic of them." She asked with an excited smile. Unfortunately I have to wipe that smile off her face. "No why would I?" I turned to look at her with my eyebrow raised. She huffed and crossed her arms over her chest. " how about the mother."

"She died during a car crash like about two years ago." I shrug my shoulders. "Oh"

"Yea well reason I'm telling you this is because they in a gang too. Biggest gang in the UK and they have ties with the Royal family, so maybe they might know how to get to the gang we's looking foe."

Living Off Past Trauma [EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now