The way things go:PT1

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Previously on Living Off Past Trauma:

Without a warning, I was pounced onto the ground. "You can't leave me here!" She choked me. "Get off me!" I kneed her in the gutt but she didn't budge. "No. Don't!" The ground cracked more. I looked on the ground and chucked.

"Ya know, it was nice knowing you but all I gotta say right now is I hope you and rest of your bloodline goes to fucking hell." And I slit her throat open.


"What's your name, I don't think I asked that."

"Quavious Cephus but I go by Quavo." Hm...nice name.

"Well Quavo, how about you help get me outta here."

"No, no I can't do that."

"If I don't make it outta here alive because of this then make sure you save Quiava Cephus and Diamonté Gashton."

"Go back where you were, straight down, you'll see a sign B2, your man is that side." 

Just as I was about to make it to B2, I heard his voice. "How dumb of you, now say goodbye to your little savior." Then I heard a gunshot. 


Onika Calhoun Jones//Oni

My heart instantly dropped once I heard the gunshot. Did he just...

"You're making this difficult for yourself, ya know that?" I turned around and saw Tjay holding a pistol in his hand. 

"You didn't have to do that. You don't have to do this." I stepped back. "Well he clearly stepped outta his boundary. Too bad now his little girlfriend and sister won't know about it." He shrug his shoulder. He said it so casually that It made my blood boil.

"Look you're making this difficult for no reason. Just come with me and you won't get harmed." He motioned me over. "No I wanna go to my man." I stepped back even more. "You're seriously a pain in the ass, ya know? " He rubbed his face with irritation. I felt myself being lifted off the ground real harshly. 

"OW!!!! Bro why you so rough." I cried. "Shut up." He said roughly. "Speak to her with respect." Tjay threatened. 

He dropped me where I was the first time and sighed furiously. He moment he put me down, I turned around and kicked him in the nards. "OOOOOOOOOOOO!" he fell to the ground with a loud thump. I managed to get my hands on his gun and I shot Tjay in the leg. 

I don't know but when I tried to run back to B2, he grabbed me by the waist.


"Wait..." He groaned. I elbowed him in the gut but he didn't budge. He moved his grip to my arm and didn't let go. He started chuckling and it was a chuckle of realization. "Why wouldn't you be." He twisted my arm.

"Let go of my arm!" I cried. It's like he didn't hear what I said because he just kept laughing.

"You're pregnant. Oh this is gonna be fun!" He turned me around to look at him.

Taylor Eima//Tai

The last thing I heard from my earpiece was a loud explosion coming from Lola's side. "I heard a lady's voice screaming from the other side. It's between C2 and C1." Pooter said.

"Yea I heard that too-"

"AUNTY L!" I turned around and saw Kris running towards a tired Lola. My heart instantly crumbled at the look of her. She looked like a mess. Scratch marks on her neck, blood all over her body, clothes a bit torn, dirt on her and- it was only when she sat on something against the wall was when I noticed her holding her left arm in pain. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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