Chapter 13

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Y: Who I am taking to?
Woman: I am talking from KL group hospital. Mr. Kim is admitted here.
Y: What?! What happened to him?
Woman: He got into a road accident. Are you a relative, madam?
Y: I...I am his sister. is his condition?
Woman: He is under observation.
I rushed out of my home. At that moment I didn't care if Kai shows up again and try to harm me, I had to go to my brother, my only family.
In some time, I was there. I saw him lying down on bed almost lifelessly. I couldn't even see his face because of the bandages. Between us was a big glass window which I wasn't allowed to cross. I cried and cried helplessly. In other situation my brother would have set the world on fire if he saw me like this.
My strong shield, my hero, my brother was more helpless than me.
Y: How bad is his condition, doctor?
Woman: He is stable now. At this rate he will be out of life risk soon. But his injuries are bad. He has to be in bed rest for three months at least.
A sob left past my lips.
The doctor patted my shoulder.
I sat down outside his room. The helplessness and fear, once I was very used to, was coming back. A ward boy handed me his belongings. I gasped hard seeing his blood-soaked cloths. I couldn't contain my tears. After a while I finally put aside the bag. I took out my phone to call Jimin. I needed to feel some warmth in that long cold night. I needed him to sit beside me. Right then my merciless brain reminded me of the line I swore not to cross. My heart ached; another round of tears welled up in my eyes. I stuffed the phone back in my coat.
Now I thank my rational mind to stop me from dragging him into that shit.

It was almost dawn. I needed to get some things from home so I left the hospital. The parking lot for obvious reason was empty.
Before I could unlock the door, someone warped a hand around my mouth and before I could do anything I was dragged away from my car. No matter how much I tried to free myself, all of that went to vein.
I was shoved into a car which soon took me out of the hospital. When it stopped, I was in Kai's main office of that city. Those men dragged me out of the car and led me toward the back side of the office. And soon I was in Kai's room.
They threw me on the couch and left. My face was tear soaked; mouth felt dry. I just looked at his tall and dark figure coming toward me.
He bent and grabbed my chin. He pulled me up making me stand on my feet. At that moment I felt like my legs were too weak to carry my weight. I almost collapsed but his rough hands held me firmly.
I wanted to scream on his face and ask what he was doing to me but no word would come out of my mouth. I thought I already had seen his cruel side before. But that night I realized how wrong I was.
His eyes were burning with icy fire like a cold-blooded animal.
K: You brought this upon you, y/n. How many times I requested you to come back to me? Answer me!
He didn't yell but his voice was deadly enough to scare the life out of me.
K: I forgot the count too. I asked you like a gentleman, begged you like a homeless bagger. You refused me every single time. You little bitch dared to show me arrogance.
(His lips curved into a devious smirk) You, Kim y/n surely have learnt how to talk back to me that too looking straight into my eyes are too vulnerable. You have no idea how much of an evil I am. I can go so far for that you can't even imagine.
But from now on you will have the idea. I must have to make you realize.
Y: That...all that tears (gulped) and plea...all of it (gulped hard) was fake?
K: No. It wasn't fake at least the first part. But I didn't reveal the ending of the story to you. I didn't mention what price my father had to pay for scaring me, for making me cry.
I made him pay that price. But too bad, he couldn't take that and ended his life himself.
In his life he only did one good thing which was profitable to me, separating me from mother. Now when I look back, I feel sorry for myself for not choosing my way to business world on my own. I am one thousand percent better than my poor big brother.
I could hear my own heart beating like a racing horse as if it wanted to find a way out of my rib cage and run to save its life. Suddenly he let go of me and I fell on the hard floor.
He stuffed his hands into his pocket and sat down on a table next to me.
K: Speaking of big brother, how are you feeling now that Jin returned from the mouth of death?
Y: do you....
Kai chuckled.
K: Surprise!
But this is just a warning for you. If you don't withdraw the case first thing in the morning and come back to me like a good little wife, I will destroy your life to that extent that you will end up like my father.
Somehow, I dragged myself up from the floor. My body felt like it was paralyzed.
Y: Why?
My voice was just a whisper but he understood what I meant.
K: I have my reason. I need you by my side, alive and in one piece.
In a flash of second is face was right in front of my eyes. His burning eyes found mine. His fingers warped around my throat. Before I could utter a word, he pinned me against the couch stopping the airflow toward my lungs. His grip around my neck hardened. I felt like eyes will pop out of my eye socket.
K: I could have fucked you senseless right here but I won't. I will make you beg me for fucking you. I will make sure to do that as your punishment.
He set me free just before I drop dead.
K: My men will give you a ride back to home. I won't let my wife wander around at this time that too in such a venerable state. But make sure to fix things tomorrow or I shall be very displeased.
Kai's men dropped me at home. I had no energy left to even unlock the door and get inside. I sat on the door step for hours.
Day lights begun to show. It was new morning. I don't know what I was thinking or what was going on my mind; I took a cab and went straight to Jin's office.
When I got there the receptionist rushed toward me.
Man: What happened to you, Ms. Kim?! Please sit down. We know about Mr. Kim. He will be alright.
I rasped: Call Jin's most trusted employs. Tell them to come here right away. I will be waiting in Jin's room.
In fifteen minutes the room was filled with a team of lawyers. The people my brother trusted. I explained them the whole situation.
Man1: You must continue the divorce case, Ms. Kim. Lee Kai will definitely feel weak if the news of divorce gets into media. Media attention will also add into your protection.
Y: How will I keep Jin safe?
M2: We will arrange everything for his safety. You don't have to worry about that Ms. Kim. Till the trial, I recommend you not to set foot outside.
Y: My work?
Man3: We are very sorry, that would have to wait. If he can do that much harm to Mr. Kim then you are not safe at all.
Y: Do everything you need to do, just keep my brother safe, I don't have anything else to lose.

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