1.Fake Love, Real Money

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  It was evening.

  I scanned a shared bike, ready to drag my exhausted self to tutor a little terror.

  Suddenly, a voice called out to me.

  "Hey, you! The one on the bike!"

  I paused, turning around.


  "Yeah, you. Come here."

  Confused, I walked over.

  The guy held out a bank card.

  "Be my girlfriend. I'll give you 200,000 yuan every month. Deal?"


  He impatiently repeated himself, "Be my girlfriend, 200,000 yuan a month. Last chance, deal or no deal?"

  All I heard was, "Blah blah blah... 200,000 for free... blah blah blah."

  I snatched the bank card. "Honey!"

  "Good girl." He nodded with satisfaction, casually putting his arm around me.

  He then glanced disdainfully at someone opposite us.

  "See that? 200,000 is nothing to me, but I'd rather feed it to a dog than give it to you. You're not worth it."

  I didn't even flinch at his words.

  He's giving me 200,000, he can call me a dog for all I care.

  "Huh! You think you can fool anyone with that pathetic bank card?"

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