The Great Bet Begins: Dropping the Trousers

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Ellustrya was a Queen in waiting.

Her presence easily dominated the tavern. She was one of the most respected adventurers in all the land.

But little did she know she would soon become famous for another reason: her undies. She would unknowingly start the 'panty revolution' that challenged the status quo: she would be the pioneer of adventuring with your pants on the ground.

She had already popularized the high-cut briefs as the go-to underwear for female adventures. Soon, she would popularize showing them in public.

And it all started with a petty rivalry with another woman for the love of her life.

Ellustrya Windrider ruled over Fordonia, a tropical forest realm, and was the Princess of the Elder Dark Elves.

She had silvery-blue hair, pointy ears, and sapphire eyes. Her attire exuded power, featuring form-fitting black riding breeches with gold trim, a blue sash, and a crimson military-style jacket with gold embellishments.

She was a tall and stunning woman with a flawless hourglass figure and a charismatic face. Her majestic dark purple cloak with a red interior, adorned with a golden brooch, completed her regal look.

But the plucky, carefree, blonde young woman adventurer nipping at her heels starkly contrasted her. A beautiful woman in her own right, Celdine Goldenstar was an errant an misbehaving gal, and she loved nothing more than to get under Ellustrya Windrider's skin.

"Ya think you're better than everyone else, ya snob?" The rather inebriated young lady said, wrapped in a yellow adventurer's garb with black leggings. "Look at all that fancy gear you're flaunting!"

The Princess of the Dark Elves simply furrowed her brow, and placed her hand on her forehead, sighing in disbelief.

"Miss Goldenstar, I think you need to show more restraint," she murmured whilst trying to maintain a tone of dignity. "This is most unbecoming, even for you."

"You lookin' down on me, Elustry?" the golden haired woman declared with confidence. "Ya elves are all such killjoys! Prim, proper, conservative prudes!"

"It is unwise to speak of my people in such a disparaging manner," Ellustrya retorted, her tone deadly serious. "We elves have an everlasting, deathless solidarity with each other, and we will not countenance such slander from a mere human woman of such poor taste and etiquette."

"Well, what I wanna know is what you got on underneath those tight jodhpurs of yours," Celdine said daringly, with a mischievous grin on her face.

"I beg your pardon?" Ellustrya retorted incredulously, clearly offended.

"I bet you're wearing granny panties!"

"Are you trying to provoke me by making jibes about my knickers?"

"Knickers!" Celdine burst out laughing. "Who says that anymore? You really are old-fashioned!"

"As if you would know anything about class, Miss Goldenstar."

"Then why don't you show me?" Celdine declared, intrepidly challenging the tall, lofty Dark Elf whom towered above her. "Drop your pants, and let's see what ya got on underneath! I double dare ya!"

The imposing Dark Elf royalty was at a complete loss for words. Never had someone challenged her to do something so scandalous in public. If she followed through with Celdine's dare, she would be a laughing stock if word of it got out, and her own people may very well disavow her. But if she backed down, it would be a great dishonor.

"I respectfully decline," Ellustrya answered, closing one eye and wearing a sligh scowl on her face. "Ladies should not act so indecently whilst in public."

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