The Great Bet: Public Inconvenience

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As the group continued their absurd adventure, Ellustrya found herself facing a new and very real inconvenience. With her trousers still around her ankles as per the bet, every step she took was restricted, forcing her to shuffle awkwardly forward. Her usual grace and fluidity were hampered by the fabric pooled around her boots, and despite her best efforts to maintain her dignity, she found herself—much to her dismay—waddling.

The sensation was infuriating.

Ellustrya, who was used to commanding attention with her regal bearing and confident stride, now had to contend with the humiliating reality of her trousers flopping uselessly at her feet, causing her to take short, awkward steps. She tried to ignore the way her briefs kept slipping up her buttocks, revealing more of her skin than she would have liked.

It didn't help that she was still fully dressed above the waist, her tunic and cloak giving her the appearance of someone prepared for battle. Below, however, her gleaming white undies were on full display, and the trousers around her ankles made it impossible for her to walk with her usual pride. Instead, she was forced into a shuffle, her bare legs and hips exposed to the cool breeze.

Celdine, of course, was having no such problems. The adventurer strode ahead with ease, her trousers still down, her colorful briefs flapping in the breeze. She was clearly enjoying herself, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she glanced back at Ellustrya.

"You're looking a little stiff there, Ellustrya!" Celdine called from ahead, her own trousers also hanging loosely around her ankles. However, Celdine seemed to relish in the absurdity of the situation, moving with far more ease. She even turned to walk backward, grinning mischievously at Ellustrya's struggle.

Ellustrya gritted her teeth, refusing to give the adventurer the satisfaction of seeing her flustered. "I am perfectly fine," she replied, her voice tight. "I will not be bested by such a ridiculous challenge. I'm simply... adjusting to the situation,"

Celdine snorted. "Adjusting? You look like you're about to fall over, Princess."

"I am not!"

"Then why are you waddling?" Celdine asked, snickering. "You look like a duck, Princess. A very fancy duck."

Ellustrya glared at her. "I am not waddling. I am simply... taking small steps. So as not to trip."

"Why not pull up your pants, then?"

"Because I am not afraid of losing this bet."

Celdine laughed, shaking her head in amusement. "Whatever you say, Princess. But if you fall on your face, don't come crying to me. Remember, if you pull your pants up, you lose. But you can't completely remove them, either!"

Ellustrya huffed in frustration. "I know the rules of the bet! I am not going to lose to you, Celdine. I am a royal, after all."

"Now everyone can see what kind of panties royals wear!" Celdine replied, a smirk on her face. "I wonder what your subjects would think if they saw their princess parading around in her underwear like this?"

"I—I'm not parading! I'm walking!"

"It's a matter of perspective," Celdine said, shrugging.

Ellustrya clenched her fists, her ears flattening against her head. "Underwear is just.... fabric. Yes. That is all."

Celdine raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure about that, Princess? Because from where I'm standing, it looks like a whole lot more than just fabric. And if we're talking about perspective, I'd say your knickers are a pretty damn good view!"

Ellustrya felt her cheeks flush. She glanced over at Boldasarre, who was studiously looking anywhere but at her. She sighed, forcing herself to keep walking, despite the awkwardness of the situation.

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