Pants Down Crackdown

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An emergency meeting had been convened in the city hall, attended by the leaders of various communities. It was to confer and deliberate the new menace gripping their way of life: women dropping their pants in public. Such an absurd spectacle was being debated in such a superb hall.

The aging, gray-haired man spoke first. He slammed his hand on the desk in utter fury. His face was red with rage, and his eyes bulged like madmen's.

"This is an outrage!" He growled like a prodded bear, thumping his fist in front of a committee of community leaders. "The moral fabric of our society is broken beyond repair! The women in our communities have gone utterly mad! Dropping their trousers in public and showing their knickers!"

"I concur, Mordious. The women in our society should know better," another man in his middle years chimed in. "A woman showing her legs and underwear in public is a sin that must not go unpunished."

"And the instigator behind this farce is Elllustrya Windrider," the first man, Mordius, snarled through clenched teeth. "A woman of her standing should not act like some cheap street strumpet!"

"Yes, she has been spotted dropping her trousers in public and flashing her designer knickers, and now all the women think she is some sort of heroine and dropping their trousers, too, " the middle-aged man said.

"Even some of the men are joining in!" Another one of the patriarchs spat.

"Princess Pants-Down, they're calling her," another one interjected. "If she dares to show her face around her, she should be arrested and face the full force of the law! We need to make an example of her!"

"You men are proof that men are a danger to women," the matriarch, Vezara, spoke up with a gravitas that demonstrated her imposing presence. She was a conservatively dressed woman in her early forties and attractive. However, she was far from an ally of Ellustrya. "But this princess is indulging in the male gaze! Reducing women to sex objects! Men must never see a woman's underwear. Women must show modesty, as men are beasts with no self-control."

"All women engaging in this immoral behavior must be rounded up and sent to camps for reeducation!" An elderly man, whom looked like a religious leader, spoke up. "A woman's place is to uphold family values and traditions."

"Whilst you might be a filthy man, Richard," Vezara said authoritatively, raising one eyebrow. "I wholeheartedly agree that the women following these wicked actions should be punished. In fact, we should go even further. Ban all high cut underwear! Bans sells of women's underwear in the street! And arrest a man for even getting a glimpse of a woman's underwear!"

"And why are our women even allowed to wear trousers and go adventuring?" Mordious spat with the venom of a cobra, his forehead as red as a baboon's backside. "They should be housewives, looking after their husbands. A woman without modesty is an uncovered piece of meat. And if the wolves eat the meat, she only has herself to blame."

"Enough talk," Vezara announced, her voice silencing everyone in the room. "We must put an end to this sickening behavior, once and for all. I strongly believe this is a conspiracy by the dark elves to corrupt human society and to destroy us from within. Such a plot is... a declaration of war."

"Just what are you suggesting, Lady Vezara?"

"Are you all men without a shred of courage?" She retorted, her brow furrowing with disdain. "Until this cancer is eradicated, the dark elves should no longer be welcome in our country."

"Have you completely lost your mind? Do you not know what damaged this would do to the economy?" One if the men inquired.

"This is why you have no backbone." Vezara's voice was oozing with poison. "You are not willing to take the necessary risks to stamp out this nauseating conduct by out women."

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