Chapter 03 • DIRE-WOLVES

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Duty is sacrifice. It eclipses all things, even blood. All men of honor must pay its price. The North owes a great duty to the Seven Kingdoms.

One older than any oath. Since the days of the First Men we have stood as guardians against the cold and the dark.

Through its long tradition, the Night's Watch cultivated its strength from doomed men who had their life as their only possession. But the ancestor, Torrhen Stark, began a tradition by making an offering at the onset of winter.

One in ten men from our household was to be chosen to fortify the Watch. This is not a sentence but an honor, a duty embraced by all who serve the North, even by mine own kin. The North must stand ready.

Winter is coming.

Dew fell in vapors, that morning had dawned clear and cold,with a crispness that hinted at the end of summer. Riders from Winterfell come up behind a dazed man from the Wall, William, and immediately send word to their noble Lord by raven.

In the courtyard, from the balcony the two couples watch their son. Bran is practicing archery and getting frustrated, under the eyes of his bastard brother Jon Snow and older brother Cregan Stark.

"Go on. Father’s watching. And your mother." Jon pats Bran's back.

The boy look up to his parents, watching from above.

The Scene shifts to needlework practice with the girls inside the castle with their septa.

"Fine work, as always. Well done." Septa Mordane appraised the aurburn haired.

"Thank you." Sansa says sweetly.

Arya frowns with jealousy.

"I love the detail that you’ve managed to get in this corners. … Quite beautiful … the stitching …" Septa Mordane murmurs to Sansa about the embroidery, howbeit Arya struggles with her needlework and listens to the arrows hitting and the male laughter outside.

Loosing the nock, outside, Bran tries and misses again. Everyone laughs.

"And which one of you was a marksman at ten? Keep practicing, Bran. Go on." The Lord of Winterfell encouraged his son.

The little lord, sighs and tries again.

"Don’t think too much, Bran." Jon says behind him.

"Relax your bow arm." Cregan advised.

Bran pulls the arrow back, but unfortunately an arrow hits the bullseye. Bran, still with his arrow is shocked, Jon, and Cregan turn in surprise to see Arya, who curtsies after her perfect shot.

"YOU!" Bran exclaims takes out after his sister, chasing her.

"Quick, Bran, faster!" Jon and Cregan yells in jape, laughing.

Suddenly Rodrick Cassel and Theon Greyjoy approach the Lord and Lady of Winterfell on the balcony.

"Lord Stark. My lady. A guardsman just rode in from the hills. They’ve captured a deserter from the Night’s Watch." Cassel announced.

Lord Stark grimaced. "Get the lads to saddle their horses."

Theon curtly bows and departs.

"Do you have to?" Lady Catelyn interjects.

"He swore an oath, Cat." Lord Stark reminds her.

"The law is law, my lady." Cassel reminds the Tully.

"Tell Bran he’s coming, too." Lord Stark added. Cassel nods and departs.

"Ned. Bran is Ten, too young to see such things." Catelyn argues.

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