Chapter 10

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Roseanne's pov

"Are you alright?"

Jennie's question breaks my imagination. I draw in deep breath before glancing at her. "Yep," I lie.

"Alright," she replies, popping a cherry into her mouth before sucking its sweetness slowly. We are at the roofstop of her unit where dark sky stretches into broad horizon.

Just when she grabs another cherry, I pose her a question that has her looking at me with furrowed eyebrows. "What does my life look like before the accident?"

Jennie is quiet for a moment. "Well, honestly I don't know," she looks apologetic when she says that. Then, a light night breeze messes with her hair.


I chew my I inner cheek. My voice comes out smaller. "I'm sorry," Jennie says, deadpanned. "It's just, we never had a good relationship back then so each was left to do what we wanted,"

She pops another cherry before looking at me.

"But it doesn't matter, you know. You're with your family now. That should be enough," Jennie says quietly and I nod.

She always ends the conversation. "You are right," I stare at the cast covering my foot. It'd take another 4 weeks before I can have it removed. "I guess I'm a bit sleepy tonight,"

I push myself up with the help of a crutch. "See you tomorrow, Jen,"

"You think you need my help with the stairs?"

"Nope. I can take the elevator,"

"Okay. See you then"


My aunt meets me at lunch. It's the first time I have seen her smile and actually think she looks the best when her lips are static.

"There you are,"

She stands up to welcome me. Then, leans forward to seal a kiss on my cheeks. I do the same to her before my assistant helps me to sit down without pressuring my foot.

"It gets hard to move around with that thing?"

My aunt asks. Her eyes briefly scan the cast around my leg. I shake my head. "It depends,"

"Why not consider a wheelchair?"

My aunt stirs her tea. "I'm sure we have a handicap elevator somewhere in the building,"

"I would prefer walking," I smile at her. Then, a waiter comes with food I didn't order. "Eat," my aunt says as I scan the plate warily.

It hosts two pieces of bread and a bowl of lumpy, tomatoes soup.

I wince. "Um, I'm not into it, I guess"

"Really?" my aunt cuts through her steak. Then, she stabs the loose piece of meat before meeting my eyes. "You used to like that a lot,"


I laugh awkwardly. "Yes," my aunt chews her food carefully.

"Anyway, since we are meeting here today on good will, I would want you to know that I literally have no enmity about your position anymore,"

She scoops a bit of mashed potatoes before pressing g her lips into one straight line afterwards.

"That's a brilliant flavour,"

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