chapter 10 - twins and proposals

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Spencers pov

...twins! A boy and a girl, congratulations!" The doctor says

"Twins Spencer, we're having 2 babies!" Toby says excitedly

"I love you" I say

"I love you too" he says

*at home*

"What are we gonna name them?" Toby asks

"Can I pick the girl name, I've always wanted to name my daughter Zoe" I say

"Of course, Zoe it is. Then I'm picking Griffin for the boy" Toby says

"Zoe and Griffin, that's so perfect toby, I love you" I say

"Let's invite the girls and guys over for dinner and tell them" Toby says

"That sounds good" I say

*text to Hanna, Caleb, Ezra, Aria, Emily, and Ali*

Spencer- come over for dinner, we have an announcement to make

*at dinner*

"What did you guys have to say?" Ezra asks

"We're having twins!" We say together

"Congrats man" Caleb says

"OMG! I'm so happy for you!" Aria says

"What genders and do you have names yet?" Emily asks

"A girl, were naming her Zoe" i say

"And a boy, we're naming him Griffin" Toby says

"You know what this means" Ali say

"What?" I ask

"EXTRA SHOPPING!!!!!" Hanna says and we all laugh

Toby's pov

This is the momemt, I'm going to ask spencer to marry me

"Spencer, I need to ask you something" I say

"What?" She asks

I get down on one knee

"Spencer Hastings, you are the love of my life. You've been there for me through thick and thin, and I will be there for you. We're having 2 beautiful babies, Zoe and Griffin. Will you become Spencer Cavanaugh and marry me?" I ask and she starts crying

"Of course toby, I love you so much" She says giving me a hug

"I need to ask you something too" Ezra says talking to Aria and getting down on one knee

"Will you marry, Aria?" He asks

"Yes, Ezra, of course" She says crying and hugging him

"Hanna Marin, will you be with me forever, will you marry me?" Caleb asks on one knee

"Yes yes a thousand times yes" She says hugging him

What a great day. I found out were having twins, Zoe and Griffin. Spencer is now my fiancé. 3 marriage proposals happened in my kitchen, I will never forget this day

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