chapter 30 - 3 babies

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Spencers pov

"Hey Toby, why don't we have Aria, Ezra, Hanna, Caleb, Emily, and Ali over for dinner to tell them the news" I suggest

"That sounds good" Toby says

"I just texted them. Everyone can come except for Ali and Emily. They had already bought tickets to see a movie" I say

"We can just tell them later" Toby says

"Yep and we can tell everyone else tonight" I say

"Of course" Toby says and kisses me


Hanna and Caleb arrive first

"Hey Han how are you?!" I say when she walks in and we hug

"Im great how are you?" She asks

"Good" I say

"Hey man" Caleb says to Toby and the bro hug

"How was the honeymoon?" Toby asks

"Good how was yours?" Caleb asks

"Great" Toby says

"Let's sit down and wait for Ezra and Aria to come" I say and we sit down and talk for a little longer then Ezra and Aria walk in

"Hey guys, sorry we're late" Aria says

"It's okay, we just were catching up a little bit" I say

"How was you're guys's honeymoon?" Toby asks

"It was awesome, we had so much fun Ezra says

"How about you guys?" Aria asks

"Great, i had so much fun" I say

"Han?" Aria asks

"It was amazing" She says

"Should we start eating?" Toby asks

"Sure" Ezra says and we all sit at the dining room table

When we're all done with our meal me and Toby give eachother the look. We're going to tell them that were pregnant again.

"Guys, me and Toby need to tell you something" I say

"What is it?" Caleb asks

"Spencers pregnant again!" Toby says

"I am too!!" Hanna says

"Me too!!!" Aria says

"Really?!?!" I ask

"Yes!" Hanna says

"We're all pregnant at the same time!" Aria says

"Im so excited!!!" I say

"Me too!!!" Hanna says

"There's gonna be 3 new babies!" I say

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