chapter 19 - reunion

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Spencers pov

I wake up on a metal bed thing naked with a sheet covering me. I look next to me and see Emily, Hanna, and Aria

"What happened?" I ask Emily

"I don't know" She says

"What did he do to us?" Aria asks then I see Hanna look under her sheet

"What are you doing?" I ask

"What if A like took out my heart or something!" She says

"Hanna, if you didn't have a heart you'd be dead! I say

"Please head back to your rooms" the voice says then we head back to our rooms, wrapping ourselves in a sheet

*2 weeks later*

For the past 2 weeks A continues to torture us with his "games" and making us do unspeakable things. I want to get out of here. I want to see Toby and Oreo. I miss them so much, especially Toby.

Toby's pov

Caleb, Ezra, and I have been working together with Alison and the police on finding the girls. We think we've found where A took them too. I want Spencer back. I miss her so much

We start driving to where we think A took them.

When we get there we see a door. The police knock it down and head inside. When they come out, they're followed by Mona, Emily, Aria, Hanna, and Spencer.

"SPENCER" I yell

"TOBY" She says

We run up to eachother and hug for what feels like forever until the police come over and take her back to the rosewood hospital with the others.

*at the hospital*

All the girls got checked and are okay except for Spencer. They want to keep her overnight to make sure the babies are okay considering she's 8 months pregnant now

Everyone is in Spencers hospital room and talking about what happened

"Are you guys okay?" I ask

"No" Hanna says

"What did A do to you?" I ask

"Toby, we aren't very comfortable talking about this right now" Spencer says

"I understand. I'm just glad you guys are back. Everyone has missed you so much" I say

"Why don't you guys head home, it's getting late" Caleb says

"Okay, we'll be back here tomorrow Spencer" Aria says

"Spencer I'm so glad you're back" I say

"I've missed you so much. How's Oreo?" She asks

"Good, she's gotten bigger" I say

"Are you gonna tell me what happened in there?" I ask

Spencer starts crying just thinking about it. I comfort her as she strays telling the horrible things A did to them.

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