chapter 20 - I miss you

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Veronicas (Spencers mom) pov

I miss Spencer so much. When she went missing, I realized how much I missed her. I want to be back in her life. Melissa told me that she was having twins and they already have names. Griffin and Zoe. My grandma wasn't a very big part of my life, so I want to be apart of my grandchildrens lives. Her dad still doesn't want anything to do with Spencer. He is so ashamed. I've changed though, I miss my baby. I'm gonna call Spencer. I want to see her. Hopefully she'll forgive me.

Toby's pov

*Spencers phone rings*

"Hey Spencer, your phone is ringing" I say

"Can you answer it for me?" She asks

"Sure" I say

Me- Spencers phone, how may I help you

Mrs. Hastings- Toby, it's Veronica, Spencers mother

Me- what do you want

Mrs. Hastings- I miss Spencer. Is there anyone she will let me see her again?

Me- hold on one second

"Who is it?" Spencer asks

"It's your mom" I say

"She wants to see you again. She misses you" I say

"She kicked me out, she can't do this. I dont want to see her" She says

Me- Spencer doesn't want to see you

Mrs. Hastings- can I please talk to her on the phone?

Me- I'll try to get her to talk

"Spencer, just talk to her" I say

"No" She says

"Talk to her, please" I say

"No I won't she kicked me and doesn't want anything to do with my children" She says

"Spencer, if you don't talk to her, you don't get your phone back" I say

"Fine" She says

Spencers pov

Me- what

Mom- can you please forgive me, I've forgiven you

Me- why should I forgive you

Mom- I'm your mother. The grandmother to your kids. Don't you want your kids to have a grandma in their lives?

Me- I guess

Mom- can I come over for dinner tonight? Just me, not you father. He's still not forgiven you yet

Me- okay, I guess you can come over for dinner

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