chapter 39 - bringing Tiff home

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Spencers pov

Today we get to bring Tiffany home. Im so excited to be at home with my new baby.

I hope Zoe and Griffin don't feel sad and left out because we'll be spending more time with Tiff. So far they love her so much. They love having a little sister.

I put Tiff in her car seat then I sit in back with her to make sure she's okay. Toby sits in the drivers seat then starts driving home.

When we arrive at home everyone is there. My mom, Melissa, Carter, Nick, Zoe, Griffin, Aria, Ezra, Hanna, Caleb, Emily, and Ali.

We walk through the door and Zoe and Griffin run up to us.

"Mommy!!!!Daddy!!!!" They tell

"Hey kiddos!" Toby says and picks both of them up

"Tiff?" Griffin asks, pointing at her

"Ya, that's your baby sister" I say

"Nick, this is your new cousin, Tiffany" Carter says, picking him up and bringing him towards her

"Baby!" He says and laughs so we all laugh

We sit down on the couch with everyone else and I take her out of her carrier and hold her.

"She's so adorable, I want my baby to come now" Aria says

"Do you want to hold her?" I ask Aria

"Can I?" She asks excitedly

"Yes, of course" I say and hand Tiff over to Aria

"Im kinda scared, you looked like you were in alot of pain during labor" Hanna says

"It does hurt alot, but it's all worth it. The pain is worth all the happiness and joy they bring in your life" I say

"So we know how you came up with the names Zoe and Griffin, how'd you come up with Tiffany?" My mom asks

"Well the midwife that helped Spencer during her first pregancy and labor with twins was named Tiffany" Toby says

"She was so kind and helped alot. We both really like that name" I say

"When we asked the kids of they liked the names Tiffany, or Kaitlyn, which was out other choice, they said Tiff, which is how she got her nickname" Toby says

Then Tiff starts crying. I pick her up from Aria and rock her back and forth. When she settles down I sit back down then Oreo comes and curls up next to Tiff. Its so cute.

"Awww so adorable!!!" Ali says

"I guess Oreo likes Tiff" Toby says and we laugh

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