chapter 35 - Tiff's room

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Toby's pov

Today me and Spencer are decorating Tiffanys nursery. Her room is smaller then Zoe and Griffins because they share a room.

We don't need to buy as much stuff because we can mostly reuse stuff from Zoe.

We're bringing the twins shopping with us, then we'll drop them off at Melissa's house while we set up and decorate the room.

"Mommy, how did Tiff get in your tummy?" Zoe asks as I put her into her car seat

"Well, when 2 people love eachother very very much, a miracle happens and they get blessed with a little baby" I say. That was the appropriate answer to tell an almost 2 year old...right?

"Okay!" She says, believing my answer

We drive to the mall and buy a white crib with Tiffany engraved on it, lavender paint, light pink paint, a samll amount of black paint, a white changing station, a stroller (because we only have a double one), a baby bottle with purple dots and Tiffany on it, diapers, stuffed animals and other toys, and clothes.

We didn't get as much clothes as we did for Zoe because Tiff can just wear Zoe's old clothes.

We buy everything then drop of Zoe and Griffin at Melissa's and Nick runs up to them and all three of them hug. Its so cute I take a picture of them hugging.

We talk with Melissa and Carter for a little bit then head home, leaving Zoe and Griffin at Melissa's.

We paint the room lavender with light pink dots then painted her name, Tiffany, in black. We were going to write Tiff, but we don't know if she'll like that as a nickname or not.

We set up the crib and changing station and put everything else in the room and it's completely done.

I'm so exhausted. I don't want to have to deal with Zoe and Griffin tonight. I pack a bag for them and we drive to Melissa's and have them sleepover there. We drive back home and have a nice dinner, then go to bed.

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