chapter 31 - telling emison

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Spencers pov

Today me and Hanna and Aria are going to tell Emily and Alison our exciting news


Emily- hey guys, sorry we couldn't come to dinner last night. What did you need to tell us?

Aria- it's something really big and important

Me- why don't you guys come to the brew and we can tell you in person

Ali- that sounds good, what time?

Hanna- how about 1:30?

Emily- sounds good, see you guys there

Right now it's 1, so I have 20 minutes to get ready until I'll head over to the brew

I brush and straighten my hair then I put on some makeup. I put on a black skirt and a grey sweater with a floral pattern and some combat boots.

I say goodbye to Zoe, Griffin, and Toby then get in my car and head to the brew

I'm the first one there so I order a peach green tea. I can't have coffe because of the baby. I sit down on the couch and wait for everyone else to arrive. Aria comes next and orders a mango black tea. Hanna comes in shortly after and orders a vanilla bean frappuccino. Emily and Ali come in together after Hanna. Ali gets pumpkin spice latte and Emily gets the same thing.

"So what's the big new?" Ali asks

"All 3 of us are pregnant!" Hanna says

"Really?!! That's great!" Emily says

"Yep!" Aria says

"Im so happy for you guys" Ali says

"Thanks" I reply

"Are you excited to have more kids Spence?" Emily asks

"Yes I am actually. This past year and a half have flown by really fast. Zoe and Griffin are so big and are growing older every day" I say

"I can't wait to hold my little baby" Hanna says

"It's one of the greatest feelings in the world" I say

"We'll all be aunts again!" Aria says

"Well we are all already aunt except for Spencer. We'll just have more neice or nephews!" Emily says

"I'm so excited to be an aunt" I say

"I'm so excited to be a mom" Aria says

"Me too" Hanna says then her phone buzzes

"Oh sorry guys I have to go, let's meet up again soon" Hanna says

"Yes of course" Ali says

"Bye guys see ya soon" I say as we all walk out of the brew and get into our own cars and drive our separate ways

"Mommy!!!!" Zoe says

"Hey baby girl" I say ans give Zoe a kiss as I pick her up and walk into the kitchen where Toby and Griffin are

"Hey Spence how are the girls?" Toby asks

"Good, how have Zoe and Griffin been?" I ask

"They've been doing just fine. They took and nap and I just feed Griffin. Zoe was refusing to eat until you got here. She was screaming mommy all day" he says

"Well I better feed you" I say to Zoe and put her in her highchair

"I can't to have another baby" I say and kiss Toby

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