chapter 34 - picking names

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Spencers pov

Everyone arrives at the same time and we walk into our house all sit in the living room. Emily and Ali sit in a big comfy chair. Me and Toby sit in the other one. Ezra, Aria, Hanna, and Caleb sit on the couch. Zoe sits on Toby's lap and Griffin sits on my lap. Zoe and Griffin are so happy to see all their aunts and uncles.

"Zoe, Griffin, do you guys want to know why your mommy, auntie Hanna, and I have been getting bigger lately?" Aria asks

"Yes!" Zoe says excitedly and Griffin nods his head yes. Griffin is more shy then Zoe. Zoe is more outgoing. She's really talkative and energetic while Griffin is more calm seems to talk less. But they are both very smart, kind, and caring

"Well, the 3 of us are pregnant. Do you know what pregnant means?" Hanna asks

"No" Griffin says

"Well if you're pregnant, that means there is a baby growing in your stomach" I say

"There a baby in there?" Zoe asks in her adorable confused voice, holding my stomach

"Yep, and there's a baby in aunt Aria's stomach, and there's also a baby in aunt Hanna's stomach" Toby says then Zoe and Griffin run up to Aria and Hanna and hold their stomachs. They're in awe and it's so cute.

"Whoa" Griffin says

"Cool! Boys or girls?" Zoe asks then both of then come back and sit on mine and Toby's laps. Oreo follows them and lays in Zoe's lap, as she's sitting on Toby's lap

"I'm having a girl" I say

"Im having a girl too" Aria says

"Im having a boy" Hanna says

"Do they have names?" Griffin asks in the cutest little boy voice ever

"Not yet, but we want you to help name them" Ezra says

"We're either going to name our baby girl Emma or Addison, which one do you guys like better?" Aria asks

"Emma!" Zoe says

"What about you Griffin?" Ezra asks

"Ya Emma" he says, agreeing with his slightly older(by 2 minutes) twin sister

"Okay, Emma Grace Fitz it is then!" Aria says

"I love that name!" Hanna says

"Thanks Han" Aria says

"So we're either going to name our little boy Calvin or Logan, which one do you like better?" Hanna asks

"Logan" Griffin says

"Do you agree?" Toby asks Zoe and she nods her head yes

"We'll name him Logan Anthony Rivers" Caleb says

"Great name" Toby says

"Thanks man" Caleb says

"Ok guys, you're little baby sister is either going to be named Kaitlyn or Tiffany" I say

"Tiff!" Zoe says then Oreo meows, as if she's trying to agree with Zoe and we all laugh

"Tiff" Griffin repeats

"Okay then, we'll call her Tiff" I say

"Tiffany Alexis Cavanaugh" Toby says

"Tiffany Alexis, Logan Anthony, and Emma Grace. The 3 newest members to our big wonderful family" Ezra says

I can't believe I'll have 3 kids. Zoe May, Griffin Xavier, and Tiffany Alexis. I love my family.

A/N- thank you Caitlynroselockwood for the name Tiff and SarahSchneider8 for the names Emma and Logan

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