(*cw/tw: mention of s.a.)
May 2Tyler and Jenna stand in silence as they wait for their scores. Hands laced together, Jenna squeezes the brunette's in anxiety. Tyler couldn't care less, if he's being honest. He's just happy it's over and he won't have to skate ever again.
Jenna jumps suddenly, knocking Tyler out of his bored stare as she tackles him in a hug. He smiles and hugs her back, realizing they placed 2nd. They're pushed to the ranking platform and stand together with the first and third place teams, silver medals placed around their necks as cameras flash at them. Jenna grins excitedly as she raises her and Tyler's connected hands.
They look at each other and Jenna leans closer to Tyler's ear, "I'm pregnant."
Tyler's jaw drops, "Are you serious?!"
The blonde nods and is pulled into a tight hug, "That's amazing, oh my god! Cody?"
Jenna nods again, "He doesn't know yet."
Tyler hugs her a bit longer, joyful tears in his eyes, before pulling away. They step off the platform and skate back off the ice where Chloe and event workers are waiting to guide them to the back area.
"Who knows?" Tyler asks, hooking his skate guards to the blades on his feet.
"Chloe, you, and my mom."
"When are you gonna tell Cody?"
"Right now."
Tyler looks in the direction Jenna glances and sees Dallon, Josh, and Cody walking toward them.
"Congrats, you guys!" Josh smiles, hugging his boyfriend before hugging Jenna as she pulls away from Cody.
"Thank you, baby," Tyler grins before turning to Jenna excitedly.
The blonde looks at Cody who smiles at her. She grins, "I have some news."
Cody smiles, sliding his arm around her waist. "What's up?"
"I'm pregnant."
Dallon and Josh gasp as Cody's jaw falls open. He stares at the girl in shock, "What? You're pregnant?"
Jenna nods with an excited grin.
"Like, you-you're gonna have a baby kind of pregnant?"
Narrowing his eyes at Cody, Dallon leans over Josh's shoulder and whispers lowly in his ear, "What other kind of pregnancy is there?"
Josh shakes his head silently as Cody finally breaks into a grin, "I'm gonna be a dad?"
"I'm gonna be a mom."
"Oh my god," the man breathes, wrapping his girlfriend in his arms. "When did you find out?"
"Oh my god, I can't believe this."
"Congrats, guys," Dallon smiles.
"Are you still able to skate?" Tyler wonders aloud.
"I'm good up until I start showing," Jenna answers. "I have to fill out some maternity leave forms and I'll be out for a year. So, actually with finals being over, this couldn't have happened at a better-"
"Tyler, Jenna, go get dressed for the after party!" Chloe calls, walking up the ramp from the rink. "It starts in an hour."
Tyler's smile drops. The after party. How could he forget about that? "I-I'm not gonna go," he stutters.
"What? You have to," Jenna pouts. "We placed second, they're gonna expect us."
Tyler stays quiet as Dallon wraps an arm around his shoulders.

In Love with a Lunatic (joshler)
FanfictionNobody plans to fall in love with a lunatic. But if it happens, you better lace up.