(*cw/tw: alcohol, vomiting)
June 15Slipping his shirt over his head, he peeks his head into Tyler's room to see it empty. Glancing toward the bathroom, his brow furrowed in confusion.
"I'm in here."
Walking to the living room, he sees the brunette on the couch and sits next to his feet. Seeing SpongeBob playing on the TV, he smiles, "What are you doing up so early?"
Tyler shrugs, his cheek smushed against the couch as he watches the TV, "Couldn't sleep. Where are you going?"
"Going for my run."
"Since when do you run?"
"I run every morning."
"Helps me wake up. Especially during the off-season."
"It's 5am."
"Yeah, you're usually still sleeping," Dallon chuckles. "Josh runs too. Most, if not all, of the Lunatics run every day."
"You're welcome to join me."
"Ew," the boy repeats. "I don't run. I'll make you breakfast for your return though."
"Appreciate it, babe."
"What time do you usually get back?"
"Around six, give or take a few minutes."
"You're gone for a whole hour every single day and I had no idea?" Tyler tsks, finally settling his sleepy eyes on the man.
"Pretty much," Dallon nods.
"Sus. Have fun. Kiss me."
The taller man huffs out a laugh before standing up and leaning down and kissing the brunette's cheek, his face being squished against the cushion slightly more.
"Say I love you," Tyler calls as the man walks away.
Stopping in his place by the kitchen's entryway, Dallon turns and smiles. "I don't know why, but I love you."
"Aw, I love you too, baby," Tyler gushes, earning an eye roll from the man.
Dallon pants as he walks up the driveway. He pushes the front door open and smiles as he sees and hears Tyler singing at the stove, his headphones over his ears as he dances.
"You won't ever grow up, you won't make it past six, 'cause this two-foot tall demonic doll will make you his bitch! You won't ever grow up, he'll toy with you 'til you die! To prove that evil comes in every-ahh! Ow! Oof! Fuck..."
Tyler turns around with a scream as he sees Dallon watching him. He drops the pan of eggs he's holding onto his foot. Leaning over to grab his toe, his forehead collides with the island, knocking him onto the floor.
Dallon bursts into laughter, leaning forward on his knees, his face quickly turning more red than it already was. He stands, holding his side as he leans against the counter, "It was so chaotic so fast!"
Tyler rubs his forehead, looking at his red toe.
Dallon walks over, continuing to laugh, "Are you okay?"
"I pissed my pants," Tyler says calmly, making the man laugh harder.
"You're a mean man," Tyler mutters, grabbing Dallon's hand as he reaches out to help him up.

In Love with a Lunatic (joshler)
FanfictionNobody plans to fall in love with a lunatic. But if it happens, you better lace up.