Lance and Keith had just left Hunk's restaurant until Lance suddenly had an idea.
"Hey mullet, you free right now?" "Um, yeah why?" asked Keith. "So I was thinking that maybe we could go and explore the nearby city and hangout a bit" said Lance. "Okay, but what are we gonna do?"
"How about a shopping spree, Keith? I bet you need a fashion upgrade," Lance teased.
Keith sighed but couldn't suppress a smile.
"Alright, but only if you promise not to go overboard." "Deal!"
Lance grinned, grabbing Keith's arm and pulling him towards the bustling market.
Both of them walked through the vibrant streets of the city, with shops selling all types of things from clothes to trinkets.
Just then, Lance spotted a shop with the latest fashion.
"Keith, come over here and try on this jacket." said Lance holding a stylish jacket which looked like it came out straight of a fashion magazine or something. "Maybe if you stop yelling I will" said Keith pouting.
As Keith put on the jacket Lance started laughing. "See, now you look like you belong to this century" Lance teased. "Very funny Lance" said Keith with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.
They moved on to a shoe store, where Lance insisted Keith try on a pair of bright red sneakers.
"Trust me, these will make you run faster!" Keith raised an eyebrow. "Really? Because I doubt that." "Hey, have a little faith in me," Lance said, smirking. "You might even outrun a Galra with these."
Keith tried the sneakers on, he had to admit that they were really comfortable. "Fine, I guess you win this one Lance"
They next found themselves inside a gadget store. Lance's eyes lit up as he saw the latest technology.
"Yo Keith, come check these out." Lance was holding a holographic watch which doubles as a communicator and a game console. Keith looked at the watch, intrigued, "That's actually pretty cool"
Lance bought the watch for Keith as a gift. "Consider this a token of our friendship." Keith smiled, "Thanks Lance."
The continued their shopping, with Lance picking out more things for Keith. Keith, though initially reluctant, started enjoying himself, appreciating Lance's enthusiasm.
They eventually decided to stop at a McDonalds and eat for a bit, relax and talk.
"So what type of new invention do you think that Pidge has made that everyone is hyping about? "asked Lance.
"I'm not sure but it's probably something big" replied Keith. "How about... a robot that can do everything? Or a machine that makes you the best milkshakes?" asked Lance.
Keith burst out laughing, "Those are all a bit weird besides, I don't think Pidge is the type of person who would make something like that." "Really? I think she would "retorted Lance.
They talked for a while more.
Once they were done they decided to head back to Lance's house, with their hands full of shopping bags.
"Man, I am so tired" "Yeah, me too" replied Keith, yawning.
"You know what this calls for, Keith? A sleepover!" Lance declared, his eyes lighting up. Keith raised an eyebrow, but a small smile crept onto his face. "Alright, but only if you promise not to make it too crazy." "No promises," Lance replied with a wink. "Come on, let's head to my place!"
As they arrived at Lance's apartment, the sun was setting, casting a warm glow over the city.
"Make yourself at home, Samurai. I'll grab some snacks," Lance said, dropping their shopping bags by the couch.
Keith sat on the couch, appreciating the good vibes of Lance's house. " You really went all out with the decoration and stuff huh?" said Keith pointing towards all the posters and display things.
"You bet! Life's too short for boring walls," Lance replied, coming back with an armful of snacks.
"Alright, first up—video games!"
They settled down with a couple of controllers and launched into a spirited gaming session.
Lance, naturally competitive, couldn't resist teasing Keith every chance he got. "Come on, mullet, you're not even trying!" said Lance laughing. "Just wait till I beat you in the next round Lance" retorted Keith.
After several rounds of intense (and sometimes hilariously chaotic) gaming, they decided to switch things up.
"How about a movie?" Lance suggested, flipping through his TV.
"We could go for an action flick or something totally ridiculous." Keith grinned. " I think we should go for ridiculous."
After a little bit of arguing about what movie they should watch, they eventually settled over a cheesy sci-fi movie with some over-the-top special effects and some hilariously bad dialogues.
Lance provided a running commentary throughout the entire movie which made Keith way harder than he should.
As the night wore on, they decided to have some dinner.
"So what are we going to eat?" asked Keith. "Well, I was thinking if we could order some pizza" replied Lance. "Yeah that would be nice."
They continued watching the movie, laughing until the pizza arrived.
They took their pizza to the living room and settled on the couch, chatting about their adventures and reminiscing about old times. "You know, I missed this," Lance said, looking at Keith. "Hanging out, having fun. It's been too long."
Keith nodded, a rare smile on his face. "Yeah, me too. Thanks for the sleepover, Lance. It's just what I needed."
"Anytime, buddy," Lance replied, feeling a warm sense of contentment. "Now, let's see if you can beat me in one last game before we call it a night." "We'll see about that, Lance.
They continued gaming for about an hour more until they both fell asleep on the couch and called it a night.
Around midnight, Keith and Lance were sprawled out on the couch, half-asleep, when Lance suddenly sat up. "Keith, do you ever wonder if we could build a spaceship out of marshmallows?"
Keith blinked at him, trying to figure out if he was serious. "What?""I'm serious! Think about it. Marshmallows are lightweight, right?" Lance continued, his eyes sparkling.Keith shook his head, laughing. "You're delirious, Lance. Go to sleep."But Lance was on a roll. "No, no, hear me out. We could call it the Marshmallow Express and it'd be the fluffiest ride in the galaxy!"
Keith threw a pillow at him. "You're impossible."
Lance grinned, dodging the pillow. "Admit it, you'd totally ride the Marshmallow Express."Keith snorted. "Only if you promised not to be the pilot."
They both laughed, the sound echoing through the apartment. "Alright, alright, I'll drop the marshmallow spaceship idea," Lance conceded, still chuckling. "But you have to admit, it'd be pretty cool."
Keith shook his head, a smile tugging at his lips. "Sure, Lance. Whatever you say."
Lance laid back down, and after a moment of comfortable silence, he spoke again. "You know, Keith, I really appreciate you putting up with my antics."
Keith turned to look at him. "I don't mind. It's part of your charm," he said, his voice softer. "Besides, it wouldn't be the same without you."
Lance felt a warmth in his chest. "Thanks, Keith. That means a lot."
Keith gave a small smile. "Anytime, Lance."
As they drifted off to sleep, the bond between them felt stronger than ever, a promise of more adventures and moments to come.

💫 Every Ending Is A New Beginning- Voltron 💫
Science FictionA Voltron Legendary Defenders fanfic. Main ships in it are Klance 👽 🌌☄️🛰️🚀