8. Confusion

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I slowly walked back to the table we were sitting at.

"(G/n)..." I whispered to myself, "What are you hiding from me?"

"Kirito!" I looked into her (e/c) eyes, "Sorry about that."

"No, it's perfectly fine." I said coldly, sending a look of hurt to her eyes.


"What are you up to, (g/n)? What are you trying to hide from everyone?" I demanded.

The place was deserted at the moment, leaving a dead silence between us.

"Kirito," pain was evident in her face, "I just..."

I watched her nose turn slightly pink and her eyes begin to water. I started to feel a little guilty about saying it with so much fury in my tone.

"I can't tell you yet," she shuddered, "I just can't. I promise I will, just not yet."

A single tear dripped down her cheek, making me instantly feel worse. I opened my mouth to say something, but she shook her head.

"No. This was a bad idea. I shouldn't have come here. I mean seriously, why would I spend my birthday just talking to someone?" she asked herself, "Besides, how could you forgive me? I. Killed. Asuna. You loved her, didn't you?"

I looked away, feeling something hurt in my chest.

"I knew it. I took her away. I'm such a dummy."

Then my barrier that I've kept strong broke, the one that I made when this death game started. I felt tears escape from my eyes.

Her own widened.


"(G/n). I forgave you because you're strong. Probably stronger than me. You don't cry over the petty things in life, you keep moving. And," I smiled bitterly, "Don't let someone like me get in the way. I-" I was cut off by (g/n) wrapping her arms around my neck.


It was awkward, kinda. I was sitting in the chair, she was standing. I hesitated, then returned the embrace.


Wait. What am I feeling right now? It's like, when I'm around (g/n), she can make me feel happy, just with her presence.

Just like Asuna...

Crap. Am I in love with (g/n)? I started to feel my face heat up.

I pulled back, fidgeting.



"Why are you nervous?"

So damn observant.

"I'm not nervous!"

"Yeah you are."

I mentally growled.

(G/n)'s POV

"Kirito-kun~!" I waved my hand in front of his face, "Kirito?"

He had his head down, almost as if he were sleeping...

Wait. I poked him, and he let out a small moan.

He fell asleep?! Seriously?!

I sat down across from him, admiring his cute face.

Aww... Kawaii Kirito-kun~!

I smiled as if he were a tiny little puppy.

Then I froze.


I shook my head violently, then sighed.

Alright. Kirito is cute. No use trying to deny it.

I put my head down and smiled at him.

"I love you, Kirito-kun~" I whispered, then ended up drifting off to sleep myself.

Kirito's POV

I... Wasn't asleep...

After she fell asleep, I bolted up, my face bright red.

She likes me back?! What do I do?! I DON'T KNOW!

My heart started pounding and I didn't know what to do.

I was basically having a mental breakdown.

Me: *looks at script* this would be Kirito whether it was a story or not.


Me: *sticks tongue out like Edward when he's on the train, only in Kirito's window*

Kirito: ?!?!?! *many, many cuss words that would get me in trouble*

Me: holy crap, you're worse than Rin. Where is that troublemaker?


Me: *squeals* reallyisUsamaroreallyhereIwannaseehimRinlemmeseeomghe'ssodamnkawaii!


Me: *giggles*

You: daaaamn, Akita.

Me: Rin and Kirito have to call me that. You can call me Aki-chan.

You: I'm just awesome.

Me: heck yeah, girl! ... Unless you're a guy?

Kirito: *looks at you in terror* why the hell are you reading this?!

Me: shut up. You're a girl in this story, so get over it.

Kirito: you're talking to Reader-chan, right?

Me: no, I'm obviously talking to you.

Kirito: *doesn't catch sarcasm* WWHHAATT?!

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